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09-03-1991 PC MIN
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Planning Commission
Planning Minutes
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09-03-1991 PC MIN
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<br />. <br /> <br />SPECIAL BUILDING & ZONING MINUTES <br />REGARDING DEERFIELD 3RD & 4TH ADDITION <br />HELD AT THE ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1991 <br /> <br />Cliff Skogstad stated that this meeting will be recorded. He stated that <br />this is an informational meeting so that everyone knows what is taking <br />place. These are some of the additional corrections that are needed. Cliff <br />explained the cul-de-sac, Deerfield 3rd is here, this is coming off of <br />Dodge, I believe that is 190th. These are the lots that were involved in <br />Deerfield 4th off of Carson Street. Larry Gloe lives here, Marlene Brown <br />lives here. Also we addressed some other lots, lots 5 and 6 off of Carson <br />Street, the filled areas 12, 13 & 14 off of Carson, lots 7, 8 & 9 and also <br />lot 7 has to be addressed on these here. <br /> <br />Steve Rohlf, Building & Zoning Administrator suggested that the people give <br />their names and address when addressed for the recording. <br /> <br />Ron Black - What are these dotted lines? <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cliff stated <br />silt fences. <br />for flow of <br />line. <br /> <br />that they are the existing slopes. This here is showing the <br />This is the silt fence and he also put in the diversion lines <br />water coming down and running around, this is also diversion <br /> <br />Ron Black - What is a silt fence? <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cliff - A silt fence is a fence that slows down the water and erosion so <br />that it slows the process down, and it shows it right here. It slows it down <br />and moves it down the hill so that the whole hill is not coming down with <br />it. That is one of the reason why I was given you a letter, as I noticed <br />all that soil was coming down. The reason why were having this meeting is <br />because Gerry supplied us with the corrections that is needed. The <br />ordinance was not followed as far as erosion control and 4 to 1 slopes all <br />the way through. As far as corrections is concerned, at this time we do not <br />know who is going to correct it. What I am going to require is that this is <br />going to be achieved some time before winter either through the permit <br />process or whatever just so we can achieve the 4 to 1 slopes. I do not know <br />if there were any agreements made between the builders and Gerry Smith, <br />etc. I could not tell you. I really do not want to get involved in that. <br />What we are requiring through Gerry was the corrections needed for the hill <br />that he cut out and also for the filled area. The majority of corrections I <br />feel might be able to be done through the permit process, but there is <br />existing houses and there is problems with the erosion which has occurred on <br />your lot there in the back part. It probably should be addressed through <br />Gerry Smith because Gerry Smith is the one that did the filling of those <br />lots and did not follow the erosion control plan that he was suppose to do. <br />Whenever you create an area that large and take off all the vegetational <br />growth it turns into a mess. One of the requirements was that he was <br />suppose to have some sort of erosion control, whether it be blanketing, <br />silting, or whatever. It has turned into a mess right there. Is there any <br />questions on this? One of the things we wanted to do is eliminate all the <br />"who said", "we said", "they said". We can talk to one person and they'll <br />say there was an agreement made here and that is what I've been hearing <br />
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