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Employees assigned to work at another utilities distribution system to assist with <br />restoration following a storm, will receive time and one-half (1.5) times their regular rate <br />of pay for all such hours worked, except hours worked on Sunday or an Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities recognized Holiday, which shall be paid at two (2.0) times the <br />these assignments equally with priority on maintaining proper staffing levels at Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities. <br />31. LEAD PAY DIFFERENTIAL <br />An employee who is currently a lineman shall assume the duties of a lead lineman when <br />the lead lineman is absent from a crew, provided thatonly the most senior lineman on a <br />The lineman assuming such duties shall <br />receive a rate differential equal to 3% of the applicable rate of pay times the number of <br />hours worked during which the lineman assumed such lead duties. <br />The rate differential provided in this policy applies duringboth regular scheduled work <br />hours and after hours. During after-hours call out, as well as at any other time, this rate <br />differential will be paid only when the crew is full and the lead lineman is absent. <br />32. PAYCHECK DEDUCTIONS <br />By law, the Utilities is required to withhold federal and state taxes, FICA and PERA from <br />other deductions may be made upon authorization of a participating employee including <br />the following: <br />a. Employee share of health insuranceg. World Vision <br />b. Credit Unionh. United Way <br />c. PERA life insurance <br />d.457 contributions <br />e. Flexible benefits <br />f. Computer Loans up to $1,200.00 (12 month term) <br />33. PAYCHECKS <br />Employees are paid every two weeks. The pay period begins every other Tuesday at 12:00 <br />a.m. and ends every other following Monday at 11:59 p.m. Payday is the Friday <br />immediately following the end of the pay period. <br />Employees are responsible for their paychecks upon receipt. Direct deposit is preferred <br />but a check is available to employees upon request. <br />34 <br />April 2021 <br />109 <br />