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COMMISSION POLICY <br />Section:Category: <br />GovernanceGovernance Policies <br />Policy Reference:Policy Title: <br />G.2g4Dispute ResolutionCommittee Charter <br />PURPOSE: <br />The Dispute ResolutionCommittee exists to provide customers an alternative dispute resolution <br />option for circumstances which: require action beyond the authority assigned through the <br />Delegation to Management Policies;require policy creation, revision, or exception; have <br />exhausted the established utilities procedures and/or protocol; and involvescustomer protected <br />data for which the customer prefers addressing the issue through a meeting closedto the public. <br />For qualifying customer disputes, the Committee will provide:a formal hearing in a closed <br />meeting allowing the customers to communicate the concern;recess and reconvene asneeded to <br />conduct appropriate researchand/or deliberate;make a determination within parameters <br />established through the Commission Policiesand within the authorities delegated through this <br />policy;and report and/or make recommendations to the Commissionas required. <br />MEMBERSHIP: <br />The Committee shall be comprised of five members, four appointed annually and one which <br />varies for each dispute. The four members appoint annually shall include two Commissioners, an <br />administrative manager, and a field superintendent.At no time shall there be a quorum of the <br />Commission on the Committee. <br />The Commission shall appoint Committee members annually following the Commission election <br />of officers during the March Regular Commission meeting. The Commission shall also appoint <br />the Committee Chair at that time.The General Manager may be appointed to fill the <br />administrative manager Committee member position. <br />For each dispute, the Committee shall also includea fifth member. This Committee member shall <br />be the manager/supervisor most directly involved with that dispute. If that manager/supervisor has <br />already been appointed to serve on the Committee as the administrative manager or the field <br />superintendent member, the Committee Chair shall choose a different manager/supervisor to fill <br />the role as the fifth Committee member for that specific dispute. <br />Page 1of3 <br />18 <br />