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Engineering and Utilities <br /> The applicant has submitted the required stormwater plans and the engineering department continues their review <br /> of the proposal. Staff approval of all required plans and documents is included as a condition for approval. <br /> The facility will connect to city services via the roadway and utility extension partnership the city and Cargill <br /> agreed to earlier this year. The agreement requires the city to have installed the utilities beneath 165"'Avenue by <br /> July 1, 2022, to provide this project with the opportunity to connect to city services. <br /> Landscaping <br /> The submitted landscape plan includes a new vegetated buffer screening the existing office building and access <br /> drive along with a detailed outline of the landscaping near the new facility and parking area. Ordinance requires a <br /> total of 63 trees,including a mix of overstory, evergreen, and ornamental varieties. Ordinance also allows native <br /> grass areas to satisfy up to half of the landscaping requirements. <br /> Submitted plans include 43 trees, and a large native grass area that satisfies half(31) of the required number of <br /> trees. The applicant has noted a change to the outlined ratio within the ordinance which allows them to achieve <br /> their screening goals for the existing office space and new access drive. Staff is comfortable with the proposed <br /> plan as full credit for the proposed landscaping includes 91 trees,well above the 63 required trees. <br /> Building and Architectural <br /> The proposed building incorporates a variety of materials which reflect the existing buildings and operation of the <br /> site. Plans include precast concrete panels, metal accents, and a large number of translucent panels and windows <br /> to provide natural light within the building. <br /> Applicable Regulations <br /> In approving a Conditional Use Permit,the council may impose such specific conditions with regard to the <br /> development or operation of the proposed use as it considers necessary to satisfy the seven standards set forth in <br /> Section 30-654 and the requirements contained in this article and to promote compatibility with and minimize any <br /> potentially adverse effects upon adjacent properties,the neighborhood or the city. <br /> The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br /> 7. mill not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity or the public <br /> health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience orgeneral nvlfare of the neighborhood or the city. <br /> The applicant owns nearly all of the adjacent property and the use and operation of the site will continue <br /> to be used for agricultural research purposes. The new operation is set behind the existing office space <br /> and will not detrimentally affect other properties in the immediate vicinity. <br /> Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> 2. mill be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> The Comprehensive Plan Guides this property for Agriculture uses,which are consistent with the <br /> proposed use. <br /> Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> N:\Departments\Commiunity Development\Plannung\Case Files\CUP\CU 21-16 Cargill\4-P1anning Commission\5.3 sr Cargill.docx <br />