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Parks&Recreation Commission Minutes Page 2 <br />June 13,2018IP <br />Moved by Commissioner Ahlness and seconded by Commissioner Williams to <br />recommend to City Council to accept park dedication for the plat of Katnis Elveru <br />Addition to be paid for one dwelling unit at the rate applicable when the <br />subdivision is released for recording. This will be $1,425.93 at the 2018 low density <br />rate. Motion carried 7-0. <br />5.2 Commission Attendance Policy <br />Mr. Hecker presented his staff report. <br />Commissioner Soltvedt suggested striking the special meetings from the attendance policy. <br />Chair Anderson stated that the Council can remove someone from the commission when <br />their term is up. <br />Commissioner Rathbun suggested striking the special meetings or have them as a credit to <br />missing a regular meeting. <br />Commission members agreed that the Attendance Policy should be removed. <br />Moved by Commissioner Ahlness and seconded by Commissioner Niziolek to <br />recommend to City Council to remove the Attendance Policy for the Boards and <br />Commissions. Motion carried 7-0.III <br />5.3 Solar Picnic Table Location <br />Mr. Hecker presented his staff report. <br />Mr. Sevcik shared details of the picnic table project. <br />Moved by Commissioner Niziolek and seconded by Commissioner Ahlness to <br />recommend to City Council to locate the solar picnic table at Orono Park. Motion <br />carried 7-0. <br />5.4 Recreation Facilities Project <br />Mr. Hecker presented his staff report. <br />Moved by Commissioner Niziolek and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to <br />recommend to City Council to pursue a project that meets the needs of the <br />community as a whole above the proposed project number one. <br />Commissioner Rathbun offered to amend the motion to supporting a level of a <br />community center project that gets us the multi-purpose facility and other trails <br />and amenities that have been discussed. <br />SWUME1 11 <br />NATURE 0