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11-02-2020 HRA MIN
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Boards and Commissions
Housing & Redevelopment Authority
HRA Minutes
11-02-2020 HRA MIN
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Housing and Redevelopment Minutes <br />November 2, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />Commissioner Ovall asked about site lines and Mr. Carlton explained the intersection would <br />remain a full 4-way stop and site lines would remain with separate measurements for safety <br />purposes. <br />Commissioner Eder personally prefers front parking and preferred to accommodate that. <br />Commissioner Chuba disagreed and felt the area has already set a precedence with buildings <br />towards the front and parking in the rear. He stated he would rather look at a building and <br />not cars when driving by. <br />Commissioner Eder agreed but felt it is more attractive for the business owners in that <br />building to have front parking to avoid confusion of rear parking. <br />Commissioner Chuba asked about water retention for storm drainage. <br />Mr. Carlton stated stormwater considerations are always a concern, but in this situation, you <br />should match the current rate and volume discharge so less stormwater needs would be <br />required. You would also have to match any additional impervious surface added that is not <br />currently there today. <br />Chair Toth asked if the state requires water retention requirements. <br />Mr. Carlton stated yes, the city has adopted those requirements. He explained what the <br />current system can handle today with pipe sizing and current stormwater ponding and what <br />our current standards are today. Considering the downstream infrastructure is important and <br />the city could do payment in lieu of fee to offset some of those impacts with clean outs or <br />increase in size. <br />Chair Toth suggested informing developers know all these ins and outs so they understand <br />what we're looking for. He also asked if the current uses could be explained to developers <br />with the possibility of adding a housing component. <br />Mr. Carlton explained the developer will propose a concept and will contact the city <br />standards such as setbacks and stormwater requirements. Mr. Carlton stated the city could <br />tell them that we like the current uses of commercial in this area but would be open to <br />seeing options. <br />Commissioner Eder agreed with that approach so as not to limit possibilities. <br />Commissioner Chuba felt it was important to remember this is a TIF district and residential <br />uses would not be taxed the same way. <br />It was the consensus of the commission to propose the block to have a focus on commercial <br />uses, generating property taxes but open to residential use, focusing on the TIF district but <br />open to options. The area is part of a walkable community, and parking needs being <br />addressed for whatever is proposed for the area, with it likely being accessed from Gates or <br />3rd Street. 1-1� <br />
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