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Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting <br />Elk River City Hall <br />September 17, 2020 <br />Membership- The HPC shall consist of seven commissioners. FsFive of <br />which shall be residents of the City of Elk River with the remaining <br />Commissioners with the option of representing areas outside of the city. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mr. Carlton suggested one of the commissioners reach out to the Sherburne History <br />Center to see if anyone was interested in applying to the commission. <br />5.4 HPC Initiatives and Updates <br />Commissioner Maurer discussed how ERMU is firming up details of the public <br />celebration of the water tower restoration and asked if there was more information <br />regarding the details and price of an informational kiosk. <br />Mr. Carlton indicated the council budget did include funds to hire a consultant to <br />engage in creating plans for a kiosk in 2021 for the water tower site. ERMU has <br />funds set aside for a kiosk but was not sure the amount. He explained how much <br />detail could go into the plans including landscaping and kiosk construction. He <br />noted other cities may have kiosks if the commission wanted to seek those ideas and <br />provide as part of the discussion at the next HPC meeting on November 19. <br />Chair Lindberg asked about the historical impact about the downtown <br />redevelopment plans and if the commission should become involved to provide <br />input. <br />Councilmember Wagner stated in her opinion if the HPC wanted to put together a <br />formal statement to provide during the work session, they could but she did not feel <br />the council was close to making final decisions on this proposed redevelopment. She <br />explained there has been no public input yet and there is no signed contract to <br />proceed with any redevelopment. <br />Commissioner Griffiths asked for guidance on how he could be authorized to do <br />metal detecting on the Houlton property to try and find things to substantiate a <br />battle that took place. He stated he emailed the Friends of the Mississippi and the <br />Sandy Lake Band of Ojibwe for help. <br />The commission discussed options for determining if archeological digging could <br />take place. <br />6. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, Chair Lindberg adjourned the meeting of the Elk <br />River Heritage Preservation Commission at 6:35 p.m. <br />