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2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable general and speciali.Zed city, county, and regional plans, including, <br /> but not limited to, the city's comprehensive development plan. <br /> The property is guided for single family residential uses consistent with the R-1c zoning district. The <br /> subdivision is consistent with all applicable plans. <br /> 3. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and <br /> siltation, susceptibility to flooding and drainage are suitable for the type and density of development and uses contemplated. <br /> While portions of the property are in the Shoreland Management area,the physical characteristics of the <br /> site are suitable for the type and density of development and uses contemplated. <br /> 4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for mater supply, storm drainage, sewage transportation, erosion control <br /> and all other services,facilities and improvements otherwise required in this article. <br /> The subdivision will include infrastructure to meet city requirements. Additional permits required to <br /> comply with erosion control standards are required and will be secured prior to building permit issuance. <br /> The applicant continues to work with the city on providing the proper looping of water lines. <br /> 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage. <br /> With shoreland management regulations governing certain standards of the subdivision related to <br /> impervious surfaces,the subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage. <br /> 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgment of a court. <br /> The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by <br /> judgment of a court. The subdivision provides a stub to the property line for a future street,which abuts <br /> an easement on the adjacent church property for roadway and utility purposes. <br /> 7. The proposed subdivision will not have an undue and adverse impact on the reasonable development of neighboring land <br /> Most of the surrounding properties are developed and the subdivision will provide access to the Wapiti <br /> Campground main office area and brings utilities closer to these buildings. Previous court rulings have <br /> stated that for the campground to re-open at full capacity they must connect to city sewer and water. The <br /> proposed subdivision will not have an adverse impact on the reasonable development of neighboring land, <br /> and the project may have a benefit to the existing campground property. <br /> 8. The proposed subdivision is notpremature.A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: <br /> a. Lack of adequate stormwater drainage. <br /> b. Lack of adequate roads. <br /> c. Lack of adequate sanitary server systems. <br /> d. Lack of adequate off-site site public improvements or support systems. <br /> The subdivision is not premature as the above conditions have been provided for. <br /> Mission/Policy/Goal <br /> ■ Opportunity to live,work, and play <br /> ■ Responsibly grow <br /> ■ Meet changing needs -Agile <br /> Attachments <br /> ■ Location Map <br /> ■ Preliminary Plat and Site Plans dated October 21, 2020 <br />