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<br />VILLAGE OF ELK RIVER COUNCIL MEETING <br />June 1, 1936 <br /> <br />The regular meeting of the Village Council was held at the Municipal Bldg store Monday June 1, <br />1936 at 8:00 o’clock P.M. <br /> <br />Members present: <br />J.D. Flaherty, Pres.; G.A. Bailey, Geo Cornelius, Wm Patenaude, Trustees; <br />Wm H Greupner, Clerk. <br /> <br />The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. <br /> <br />Gene Chase spoke about the stop signs in front of their place and stated that cars and trucks <br />stopping there made such a noise it bothered his mother and suggested that they be turned off at 11 <br />o’clock P.M. The matter was layed on the table until a later meeting. <br /> <br />Wm Greupner, clerk reported that he had spoke to Mr. White about the Village paying the <br />fumigating charges and was advised it was a law. After some discussion it was decided to have the <br />clerk see the doctors and tell them to see the council the next tim they have a bill of this kind. <br /> <br />A motion was made by G.A. Bailey seconded by Geo Cornelius to appoint the following judges and <br />th <br />clerks for the Primary Election to be held June 15. Day crew judges – G.A. Pepin, Fr. Nogel, Wm <br />Clockers Clerks – Wm Greupner and Edna Barrett Night Crew – Judges R.R. Latta, A. Malkson, <br />J.C. Anderson, Clerks – Irene Kaliher and Mrs. E. Foley. Motion carried. <br /> <br />An application was presented by Mrs. Anna Plant for a building permit to build three or four cabins <br />on her property known as Lot 8 and 9 block 6, Houltons Add. It was decided to meet on the Plank <br />nd <br />property at 6 o’clock June 2 and investigate this matter. <br /> <br />A motion was made by G.A. Bailey seconded by Wm Greupner to sign an agreement with the <br />Patrons Co Operative Fire Insurance Company of Osseo. Whereas the Village of Elk River would <br />charge them $25.00 for a fire run for the first hour and ten dollars for every ½ hour after. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />As there has been several complaints about dogs running at large in the Village the matter was <br />brought up to see what could be done. It was decided to put notice the paper warning the people to <br />tie up their dogs, therewith the Council will be obliged to instruct Mr. Nelson, the Marshall, to shoot <br />all stray dogs. <br /> <br />Mr. Handke wanted to know if the Village would continue paying for a school police for the year <br />1936-1937 as they have in the past year. He stated that if he had the approval of the Council he <br />would send Raymond Sykes to the training school for school police. A motion was made by Wm <br />Greupner seconded by Geo Cornelius to have the Village pay for the school police the coming year. <br /> <br />A motion was made by G.A. Bailey seconded by Wm Greupner to allow the Library Board to spend <br />$50.00 for books. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />