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3.1. PCSR 03-02-2020
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03-02-2020 SPECIAL
3.1. PCSR 03-02-2020
Entry Properties
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2/27/2020 12:41:49 PM
City Government
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However, the most significant change to the parking lot is the relocation of the traffic signal from Lions <br />Park Drive to the west. The new signal aligns with the west entrance to Central Lutheran Church and <br />removes the two driveways currently used for high school traffic. A non-signaled right-turn lane for west- <br />bound School Street traffic allows drivers to enter the drop-off/circulation lane prior to the signal, <br />leaving most traffic at the signal for east-bound traffic. Pushing both entrances to the west will also <br />reduce the likelihood of traffic back-ups onto School Street during the busiest pick-up/drop-off times as <br />the queuing lane is much longer. <br /> <br />Driveway access to VandenBerge is now condensed to one location. The proposed plan reduced the <br />number of driveways serving the school district along School Street and should improve safety and <br />mobility during the morning and afternoon pick-up/drop-off times. <br /> <br />Engineering and Utilities <br />There has already been significant utility work in the area to relocate the stormwater pond, expand the <br />existing pond at Lion’s Park, and facilitate development of the multi-purpose facility on the north end of <br />the parking lot. This work will continue as the school district completes their parking lot improvements. <br /> <br />Applicable Regulations <br />Conditional Use Permit/PUD <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br />1. Will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity or <br />the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. <br />The application seeks to improve safety and functionality of the parking area serving city and ISD 728 <br />facilities. The improvements will improve the use and enjoyment of other properties in the immediate <br />vicinity of the project area. Relocation of the signal will require easements or right-of-way expansion. <br />Agreements with the impacted property owners must be reached prior to construction or recording of <br />the CUP. <br /> <br />2. Will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The property is guided for Public/Institutional uses and the proposal is consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />3. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />The proposed modifications and improvements will not impede development of surrounding vacant <br />property. <br /> <br />4. Will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services including streets, police <br />and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks and schools; and will not, in particular, <br />create traffic congestion or interference with traffic on adjacent and neighboring public thoroughfares. <br />The use will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services <br />including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks, <br />and schools; and will not, in particular, create traffic congestion or interference with traffic on adjacent <br />and neighboring public thoroughfares. <br /> <br />5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to <br />any persons or property because of excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, dust or vibrations. <br />The proposed institutional use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment, or <br />conditions that will be detrimental to other properties. <br />
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