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City Council Minutes <br />November 18, 2019 <br />Page 10 <br />Mr. Portner stated Phase 1 is setting up the cost matrix for sponsorships, then taking <br />that data and utilizing it in Phase 2 to sell/market the sponsorships. He noted, for <br />the sponsors, there would need to be statistics to support the funds collected each <br />year. He stated they could add language stating one firm is required to complete both <br />phases. <br />Councilmember Ovall suggested removing the list of itemized expenses and let the <br />firm determine what those costs would be versus giving them ideas in items to <br />charge back. <br />Council concurred one firm should be required to do both phases. <br />Councihnember Ovall expressed concerns with paying a consultant a lot of money <br />without warranties if they fall through with being able to deliver what was promised <br />in sponsorships. <br />It was noted Council can reject proposals if they are not happy with them, but it <br />wouldn't hurt to send the RFP out to see what it generates. <br />Councihnember Christianson questioned if staff has engaged any interest to area <br />businesses regarding naming rights of the multipurpose facility. <br />Councilmember Wagner stated a business owner is not going to commit unless they <br />see the metrics. <br />Mr. Portner stated he has mixed feelings about sponsorships because not many city <br />facilities are named, but he doesn't know if they are not named because cities don't <br />seek it out or if there is generally not any interest by the area businesses. He <br />discussed past fundraising efforts and noted Elk RiverFest didn't generate a great <br />amount in donations. He further discussed The Taste of Elk River and Hockey Day <br />Minnesota. <br />9.4 Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />Mr. Portner presented the staff report. <br />Heritage Pivservation Commission <br />Councilmember Wagner stated there has been a lack of substance to these meetings <br />noting the group talks but doesn't follow through. She further noted missed <br />conferences. She questioned if this group could be tapped into other projects. <br />Councilmember Westgaard suggested merging the work of this group into the <br />Planning Commission. <br />rIIERII I <br />NQTUR <br />