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City Council Minutes Page 5 <br />September 3, 2019 <br />----------------------------- <br />in Sewer Availability Charge (SAC), Water Availability Charge (WAC), and building <br />fees. <br />Councilmember Ovall stated they liked the concept but the location is a challenge. It <br />would be difficult on downtown businesses to lose parking, introduce additional <br />traffic and housing, and development options are limited due to geography. <br />Mr. Hartung felt he could replace all of the parking spaces and provide parking for <br />the new tenants. <br />Councilmember Westgaard pointed out businesses have their service delivery in the <br />rear and that would be taken away with the proposal. Also, if a pedestrian skyway <br />was built over Main Street, where would it land on the south side? <br />Mayor Dietz was concerned about a negative reaction from downtown businesses, <br />particularly those on Jackson Street. <br />Mr. Hartung agreed parking and traffic are two of the biggest issues. The new <br />apartments would bring more people downtown to support the local businesses. <br />Councilmember Ovall mentioned a number of downtown business owners seem to <br />be open to selling or improving their structure. <br />Councilmember Wagner felt there were some big unanswered questions, such as <br />financing, traffic, and business needs on Jackson Street. <br />Councilmember Christianson said it would be beneficial to know the community's <br />appetite for this proposal. <br />Councilmember Wagner said that if it were going to be a TIF district then there <br />would be public investment and the public would be providing input. <br />Mr. Hartung agreed community engagement was important. His request tonight was <br />whether the city is interested in selling their land. He felt he didn't have enough <br />information to give the public answers. <br />Mayor Dietz said they would check with City Attorney Peter Beck to see if the <br />council could give Modern Construction some sort of guarantee to give Mr. Hartung <br />time to explore his options. <br />Councilmember Wagner added she did not want the owners of Jackson Street <br />properties coming later to say they didn't know about this project. <br />Ms. Othoudt clarified an option agreement would allow the developer an <br />opportunity to explore the development of a site and allow them to complete their <br />due diligence during a set period of time. The council would be the sole authority on <br />whether this project would move forward. There would be an understanding with an <br />IN, <br />A T U R E <br />