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City Council Minutes <br />June 3, 2019 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated the Business Park was designed for people to <br />come to work and then go home. If warehouse space was increased it would increase <br />traffic and deliveries outside of the normal business hours. He recommended <br />sending it to the Planning Commission to figure out the details and implications. <br />The item would be added to the June 25, 2019, Planning Commission Meeting and <br />come back to a July Council Meeting. <br />10.4 User Experience/Community Engagement <br />Mr. Portner presented the staff report. He reviewed some ideas for improving citizen <br />engagement in the government process and showed an example of a revised Public <br />Hearing Notice. <br />Ms. Clement reviewed an idea for an Elk River Resident Advisory (ERA) where <br />residents could offer feedback through simple surveys. <br />Mayor Dietz clarified where citizens would be recruited from. <br />Ms. Clement stated if the call for volunteers was only on Facebook, there may be <br />people who are not from Elk River who applied. <br />Councilmember Westgaard agreed people from other communities may be interested <br />in offering input so there should be a way to determine residency. <br />Ms. Clement stated her initial goal was to collect 50 interested residents and then go <br />through their demographics. <br />Mr. Portner assured the council that the submitted information would be non-public <br />data. The volunteers would be utilized for trending issues and would hopefully <br />provide a good representation of the community. <br />Councilmember Westgaard expressed concern over only hearing from the loudest <br />voices. Is that a true representation? <br />Councilmember Wagner wanted to make sure people were educated on the topic <br />they were giving an opinion on before answering questions about it. Other times an <br />"organic answer" might be best. <br />Mr. Portner said the challenge would be in crafting the questions properly. <br />Councilmember Christianson felt the proposal was a good starting point. <br />Mayor Dietz referred to the redesigned Public Hearing Notice and asked if there <br />were elements that were required by law. <br />Councilmember Ovall said the redesign did not look official. <br />a <br />POVEAE1 BY <br />ATURE <br />