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City Council lAinutes <br />June 3, 2019 <br />Page 12 <br />Reports for Energy City, Heritage Preservation, Utilities, and Parks and Recreation <br />were postponed until a future meeting. <br />Council recessed at 9:58 p.m. in order to go into work session. Council reconvened <br />at 10:03 p.m. <br />10.1 Land Use and Development Discussion <br />Ms. Othoudt presented the staff report. <br />Councilmember Westgaard and Councilmember Wagner were appointed to <br />participate in a land use and development discussion with city and county staff. Two <br />county commissioners will be selected at Sherburne County's June 11, 2019, meeting. <br />10.2 Liquor Operations Reorganization Plan <br />Ms. Ziemer presented the staff report. Mr. Audette was in attendance to answer <br />questions. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if any current employees may be eligible for the new positon and <br />whether it would be internal hiring to start. <br />Mr. Audette said since they are working with a timeline due to an upcoming <br />retirement they would prefer to post the position both internally and externally, and <br />indicated there are several current employees that would eligible for the new <br />position. <br />The reorganization proposal will come to consent at the June 17, 2019, meeting but <br />the council authorized the posting of the job description. <br />10.3 Business Park Zoning <br />Mr. Carlton presented the staff report. Mayor Dietz had received a request to look at <br />Business Park zoning and the allowable percentage of warehouse space. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated business trends indicate locations need less office <br />space. The only drawback could be the increase in warehouse size may also increase <br />the amount of hauling and shipping traffic. Is this type of traffic healthy for the <br />Business Park area? <br />Mr. Carlton said traffic would be examined and the allowable percentage would be <br />compared to our peer cities. The other three industrial districts in Elk River allow <br />100% warehouse space. <br />10IEIEI 11 <br />NATURE <br />