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Updated 7/18/18 <br /> <br /> <br />9 <br />the CMAB request). <br />• Section D: Earned Income – list sources of other income such as: <br />o sponsorships <br />o advertising <br />o fundraising <br />• Projected Revenue – include all revenue from other sources (do not include the CMAB grant request) <br />• Amount Requested from the CMAB – Cannot Exceed 75% of eligible expenses <br />• Total Support for the Proposal –Must equal Total Expenses (Column E) <br /> <br />24) Grant Amount Requested from CMAB - Cannot exceed 75% of Column C of the budget page (Eligible Expenses). <br />Amount must match the grant request amount in the budget spreadsheet. Round up to the nearest dollar. <br /> <br />25) In-Kind Contributions- Enter the total amount for In-Kind Contributions that were included as REVENUE in the <br />Budget form. Enter "0" if not applicable. <br />26) Total Public Art Project Expense - Total of Eligible and Additional expenses. Total expenses must equal total <br />revenue in the budget form. <br /> <br />This section for 501(c)(3) ORGANIZATIONS ONLY <br /> <br />26) Person In Charge of Organizational Issues - i.e. Executive Director, Business Manager, Board President <br />• Name <br />• Title <br />• Phone Number <br />• Email Address <br /> <br /> <br />27) Board of Directors- list current board members and their roles. Enter information in one block of text, formatted as <br />follows: Example: Jason Harding: Chair; Melissa Frank: board member; William Jones, Jr: treasurer <br /> <br />28) Board Officer Contacts – List names, title and email address or phone number for all board officers. <br /> <br />29) Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Access Plan <br />All organizations receiving public funding are required by the federal Section 504 Regulations and the ADA to <br />facilitate access for people with disabilities. Requests may involve an individual's access to a facility or to the content <br />of the project. An access plan should describe accomplishments related to ADA, and outline any future goals for <br />making facilities, programs, or services accessible to persons with disabilities. <br /> <br />Organizations are encouraged to consider access issues and develop a plan to accommodate requests for specialized <br />access to events. The CMAB does not enforce ADA compliance. <br /> <br /> <br />This section for applicants using a FISCAL AGENT ONLY <br /> <br />30) FISCAL SPONSORSHIP- Applicants without nonprofit designation must upload a fiscal agent agreement that <br />includes the components listed in this Sample Fiscal Agent Agreement <br />• Organization Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip <br />• Contact Person Name, Phone, Email <br />• FISCAL AGENT AGREEMENT <br />