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City'Council Minutes <br />May 6, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />{ Mr. Betty explained the soil boring reports were considered as well as the natural <br />slope to get the ball fields to drain while paying attention to stormwater. He stated <br />the proposal to demolish and rebuild was based on avoiding putting money into a <br />building which was having water issues. <br />Mr. Femrite added it would be a savings to take down the entire building rather than <br />renovate it. <br />Councilmember Ovall likes the new concept of parking and appreciates the time of <br />the committee. <br />Mr. Betty stated the previous plan for Lion John Weicht Park included a large <br />amount of retaining walls and those costs would be better spent elsewhere. <br />Councilmember Wagner added that the new location of the pavilion would enhance <br />the community asset and make the location about more than the softball fields. As <br />proposed, people can come off the parking lot directly into the pavilion which is also <br />closer to the play area. <br />Mayor Dietz stated he didn't have a problem adding the alternate list to the bid. He <br />was not in favor of lighting the second softball field. Although some people feel the <br />City needs a third rink now, he would not like to see the turf field sacrificed once <br />people begin using it for lacrosse or soccer. The only people to benefit from a third <br />sheet of ice would be youth hockey. If youth hockey wants to put $500,000 toward <br />the project them maybe they would consider upgrading the refrigeration unit. <br />Improving the ice arenas to make them both year round facilities is already an <br />upgrade. <br />Mr. Betty stated removing the refrigeration unit option does not keep them from <br />adding it in the future, it just may cost more. <br />The Council was in favor of going out to bid with the list of alternates but not <br />including the refrigeration unit option. <br />Moved by Councilmember Wagner and seconded by Councilmember <br />Christianson to approve final plans and advertisement to solicit bids for the <br />Multi -Purpose Facility. Motion carried 5-0. <br />8.2 Energy Incentive Program <br />Ms. Othoudt presented the staff report. <br />Mayor Dietz asked whether businesses would be locked into the rate they applied <br />for. He asked if this program was for existing businesses or new businesses. <br />Ms. Othoudt explained it was for new or expanding businesses. <br />P 0 M E A E I I r <br />NATURE <br />