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City Council Minutes <br />March 18, 2019 <br />Page 6 <br />Councilmember Westgaard indicated he doesn't completely disagree. He would like <br />to see the topics refined a little more and parameters set. He would like staff to <br />continue working on the program. <br />Mayor Dietz explained the city has taken big strides recently to be more competitive <br />in pay and it may be too soon to implement another incentive. He added he would <br />like to see this program mirror the police program and he would like to see a copy of <br />the police program to see how it can be incorporated. He also suggested having a set <br />dollar amount rather than a percentage so every employee receives the same <br />incentive. <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned if employees have been polled to gauge <br />interest. Ms. Wipper indicated they have not. Councilmember Westgaard suggested <br />figuring out what topics employees are interested in. <br />Councilmember Ovall commented in his experience wellness programs are better <br />received when run by employees rather than compulsory. <br />Council consensus was for Ms. Wipper to provide a copy of the police department <br />WIP program for review and revisit. <br />9.2 Public Safety Building Needs <br />Chief Nierenhausen and Chief Dickinson presented the staff report. <br />Mayor Dietz expressed an interest in obtaining an architectural study for expansion <br />of the public safety facility and questioned the process. Mr. Portner indicated <br />generally we put out a scope of the project and companies would bid on putting <br />together an analysis. <br />Council consensus was to solicit bids for an architectural study for the police <br />department expansion (garage and upper level) and the upgrade and expansion of <br />fire station 2 with a possible addition of a third fire station located on the east side of <br />the city. <br />9.3 Public Works Apprenticeship Program <br />Mr. Femrite presented the staff report. <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned how the apprentice program would differ <br />from seasonal employees. Mr. Femrite explained the level of training for the <br />apprentices would be more extensive. He noted seasonal employees are only on <br />board for three months and do not receive extensive training. He added seasonal <br />employees will still be utilized. <br />Councilmember Ovall indicated he doesn't disagree with the concept. He questioned <br />if we have the capacity to train and mentor the apprentices. Mr. Femrite indicated it <br />NFA rI 117E <br />