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City Council Minutes <br />March 18, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />Ms. Wipper indicated staff reviewed costs of adding a biometric feature. She stated <br />the least expensive option was $29.00 per employee, which is $2,500 if everyone <br />participated. It was noted these same biometrics can be completed during an <br />employee's physical typically for no additional charge. <br />Ms. Wipper explained the policy is meant to encourage and provide incentives for <br />employees to be healthy. She stated studies show healthy employees reduce <br />healthcare costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. She noted when the new pay plan <br />was put in place it was built to averages with a 1.5% gap between our top pay and <br />top pay of comparable cities with the intent of implementing a program like this to <br />allow employees to come closer to the top pay of our comparables. <br />The Council had concerns with there being too many items and it being too easy to <br />reach the goal. Ms. Wipper indicated by breaking the program up in to categories <br />similar to the WIP program and removing the tobacco cessation points, employees <br />will have to strive a little harder to meet the goals. <br />Ms. Wipper distributed a draft tracking scorecard. <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned if there is any indication health insurance <br />premiums would be reduced with implementation of this program. Ms. Wipper <br />indicated it is difficult to say because we are pooled with a larger group for our health <br />insurance premiums. She noted it is in our best interest to remain in the health <br />insurance pool. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated two months at a health club may not be long <br />enough to earn 100 points. He suggested lengthening the time frame or dropping the <br />point value, or both. <br />Mayor Dietz clarified this program starts over each year. Ms. Wipper indicated it <br />does. <br />Ms. Wipper stated language would be included allowing the program to end or <br />change at any time at the city's discretion. <br />Councilmember Ovall suggested a monthly point allocation. <br />Consensus of the Council was to remove points for attending the employee <br />appreciation event. <br />Councilmember Wagner explained she is not on board with this program. She likes <br />some of the ideas of the fitness program but she has a really hard time adding this to <br />the budget and doesn't feel tax dollars should be used this way. She believes there are <br />multiple incentives to work here including access to a nice workout room and <br />summer hours. She noted she would feel differently if there was proof health <br />insurance premiums would be reduced. <br />eaweetI I <br />[�IATUR� <br />