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2.2 ERMU MINUTES 12-17-2013
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2.2 ERMU MINUTES 12-17-2013
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5.4 Water Superintendent Position <br />David Berg announced his retirement date of January 31, 2014 in a prior commission <br />meeting. Troy Adams requested from the commission that staff post the position internally and <br />hire David Berg's successor as soon as possible so there can be cross -training. There would be <br />no back -filling until after January 31, 2014. Discussion followed. <br />Al Nadeau made motion to post the Water Superintendent position internally. John Dietz <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0. <br />5.5 New Website Overview — Verbal <br />Staff formed a website committee to work on the website redesign. The new website <br />went live November 1 st and was presented to the commission. <br />5.6 CAPX2020 Update <br />In May 2006, the Utilities Commission authorized ERMU joining Midwest Municipal <br />Transmission Group (MMTG) to explore the potential to obtain ownership in the regional <br />transmission system. In February 2007, ERMU entered into an agreement to participate through <br />Central Minnesota Municipal Agency (CMMPA) in the CAPX2020 Brookings -Twin Cities <br />Transmission Project. hi March 2011, the Commission and Council both approved resolutions <br />authorizing the Utilities' participation in the project for an amount not to exceed $7,140,953. <br />The next phase of the project was an extension from Brookings to Big Stone. This is a <br />significantly smaller project yet required all the same amount of legal work associated with the <br />Federal Regulatory Commission (FERC) filings. Because of the size of the project, the CMMPA <br />Board of Directors elected to not extend an invitation to a nonmember like ERMU to invest in <br />their $2.5M eligible share of this project. Because of the amount of work for such a small <br />investment, CMMPA and the other upstream investors have agreed to swap the investment rights <br />for the Big Stone transmission project for an increase in the Brookings project. The decision to <br />swap creates a requirement for CMMPA to offer ERMU the opportunity to increase their <br />Brookings project allocations based on their current entitlement share. <br />Troy Adams said the current project is coming in well below budget. Increasing ERMU's <br />entitlement share would only cost about $500,000, which would still total below the not to <br />exceed amount that was previously decided on. Troy Adams said he is not looking for an answer <br />now, but will bring more information back to the next meeting. <br />6.0 OTHER BUSINESS <br />There was no other business. <br />6.1 Staff Updates <br />Theresa Slominski added to her staff update that the Assistant Office Manager, Greg Scherber, <br />will have his 10 year anniversary in a few days. John Dietz asked Theresa Slominski about Power <br />Cost Adjustment credits. It has been procedure to set money aside every year to offset any rate <br />Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />November 12, 2013 <br />15 <br />
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