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3.2 ERMU MINUTES 08-11-2009
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Utilities Commission
3.2 ERMU MINUTES 08-11-2009
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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />July 14, 2009 <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to award the Xenia and Tipton Avenue cable replacement <br />project to Michels Pipeline Corporation, the lowest responsive bidder. Daryl Thompson <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.3 Review and Consider Second Quarter Write -Offs <br />A list of write-offs was reviewed. Discussion followed regarding the assessment <br />possibility and the collection agency. Staff recommends approval of the second quarter write- <br />offs totaling $15,865.41. <br />Daryl Thompson moved to approve the write-off listing for the second quarter of 2009 <br />as presented. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.1 Staff Updates <br />Troy Adams informed Commission that the electric and water usage year to date, is up <br />from last year. Troy Adams distributed an Interconnection agreement with Connexus and <br />ERMU for the Waco Substation. Connexus is proposing to utilize one circuit of the Waco <br />Substation for back-up. John Dietz questioned the financial compensation. Troy Adams <br />responded they would pay a minimal fee monthly. If and when they needed to utilize the <br />Waco Substation they would be billed according to the specifications in the agreement. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to approve the Distribution Interconnection Agreement By and <br />Among Elk River Municipal Utilities and Connexus Energy for the Waco Substation. <br />Daryl Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />Troy Adams informed the Commission about a bad debt that is still being worked on. <br />Attorney, Peter K. Beck has been looking into the possibility of collecting funds. Discussion <br />followed. <br />Theresa Slominski informed the Commission that the bill format for the new eco <br />envelopes is still being worked on. There were 88 shut -offs recently. John asked if most of <br />them were residential or commercial. Theresa responded that a majority of them were <br />residential. <br />David Berg asked if the Commission would consider raising the tuition reimbursement <br />Rind per employee. John Dietz directed staff to bring it to next months meeting as an agenda <br />item. Bids are being acquired for the tear down of the old building by the Jackson Street water <br />tower. David Berg said Bob Pearson, IT Technician for the City of Elk River, has inquired if <br />ERMU has a policy or agreement for antennas on water towers he could promote, because he <br />knows of another community that has received a substantial profit from this. With the recent <br />road repair on the railroad crossing on Jackson Avenue, the water main cracked. Staff is <br />
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