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ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS <br /> IONESDAY, <br /> MAY 8, <br /> LocAL <br /> 2002 <br /> NEW ' <br /> NORTH SUBURBAN EDITION ■ WWW.TWINCITIES.COM <br /> WASHINGTON COUNTY <br /> ; • <br /> ' <br /> • stirs Afton' concerns <br /> Despite water worries, neighbors aim to remain cordial "This meeting will not be a `Woo( <br /> P g bury bashing,"' Devine wrote in a co <br /> . umn published in the Afton Citizen <br /> BY DOUG PETERS which is set to play out on Afton's bor- Forum Bulletin and repeated at the stai <br /> Pioneer Press der with Woodbury Many stood in back, of the meeting. <br /> straining to see maps held up by presen- Devine's admonition is an indicatio <br /> On the front lines of the struggle ters in the front of the dimly lit room. of the sometimes-tense relationshi <br /> between city and country, the talk cen- The turnout of more than 200 people between Woodbury, population 46,001 <br /> ters on water: who has it, who needs it, caught presenters by surprise — some plus and growing fast,and Afton,a run <br /> and where does it go when it turns from had brought only a handful of informa- community that wants to stay that way. <br /> a resource into a nuisance. tional handouts. But as Woodbury prepares for a ne' <br /> Afton-area residents packed a meet- Afton Mayor Charlie Devine said the phase of eastward expansion, concerr <br /> ing hall Tuesday at the St. Croix Valley meeting, sponsored by the Afton Citi- that once loomed in Afton's distal <br /> United Methodist Church in Lakeland to zens'Forum,was opportunity for discus- <br /> hear about that urban-rural struggle, sion and cooperation,not for conflict. GROWTH CONCERNS,6B <br /> • <br />