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Planning Commission/CU 02-18 <br /> May 28,2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • (CMU). The floor plan of the building will consist of two tenant spaces. Tenant A will <br /> consist of 2,572 square feet and Tenant B will consist of 4,800 square feet. <br /> Building setbacks are not defined in the Elk River Crossing PUD but the building does meet <br /> the C3 zoning setbacks. <br /> Design Standards <br /> The bottom two-thirds of the facades will consist of glazing and 4" &8" rock face CMU. <br /> The upper one-third will be treated with EIFS. The entrances are clearly defined with metal <br /> canopies and the there will be EIFS cornice work and CMU pilasters on the facades to break <br /> up the surface. The proposed design meets the design standards for Elk River Crossing. <br /> The allowable signage, as defined by the Elk River Crossing PUD, is two wall signs per <br /> principle building. They are proposing 3 signs per tenant, which exceeds the maximum <br /> allowed. <br /> A trash enclosure was not indicated on the site plan. The Elk River Crossing PUD states <br /> "dumpsters should be within an enclosure constructed of the same materials and colors as <br /> those used in the building." <br /> Landscaping <br /> The submitted landscape plan does not meet the City's requirements. There needs to be a <br /> • total of 22 trees: six conifers (which they meet), five ornamentals (which they exceed by <br /> two) & 11 overstory trees (which they do not meet). They should provide five additional <br /> overstory trees. <br /> A monument sign has been indicated on the site plan near Zane Street which is not placed <br /> 10-feet from the property line. The location of the sign should be placed 10-feet from the <br /> property line as not to obstruct sight lines of vehicular traffic and it should be placed so <br /> vehicle bumpers will not come in contact with it. <br /> Parking and Circulation <br /> Based on the square footage of the building and the City's requirement of one parking stall <br /> for every 200 sq. ft. of floor area, a total of 38 parking stalls would be required. The <br /> proposed layout exceeds this requirement with a total of 74 total stalls. The minimum 10' <br /> setback from the property line is also maintained. <br /> Three(3)handicap-parking stalls are required for the building. The submitted site plan does <br /> not indicate any handicap-parking stalls. For parking lots with 51-75 stalls, there is a <br /> minimum requirement of three accessible stalls. The site plan will need to be revised to <br /> provide the required spaces. <br /> The proposed layout provides a shared access to the site off of Zane Street. A future access <br /> • to the lot to the south is provided but the location of it may not provide efficient ingress and <br /> S:\PLANNING\Case Files\CU 02-18 STM Development\CU02-18_PC.DOC <br />
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