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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City Council Minutes <br />May 17, 1982 <br />Page Nine <br /> <br /> <br />16. Eagles Club and American Legion Gambling Licenses <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN TOTHMOVED TO APPROVE A GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE DAVIS-DARROW-MEYER <br />POST #112 OF THE AMERICAN LEGION FOR PULL TABS AND TO APPROvg, A GAMBLING LICENSE <br />FOR THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES FOR ALL DEVICES. COUNCILMAN ENGSTROM SECONDED <br />THE MOTION. THE MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />17. City Council Meeting Procedures <br /> <br />Mayor Hinkle indicated that he suggested two changes in City Council procedures <br />during city council meetings; 1. an automatic meeting cut-off time of 12 o'clock <br />midnight and, 2. all city council votes on agenda items be recorded on the basis <br />of a roll call by the council's recording secretary. Mayor Hinkle further indicated <br />that the 12 o'clock midnight time is suggested as the Council's and staff's effective- <br />ness is greatly reduced beyond that time. Mayor Hinkle also indicated that by re- <br />cording the City Council's yotesby roll call, it helps the recording secretary in <br />the taking of the minutes as the voice votes are difficult to record and often the <br />secretary must ask individual councilmembers what was their vote. <br /> <br />Councilman Toth indicated that he did not think the suggested change in council <br />procedures is necessary, as meetings generally do not last that late. Councilman <br />Duitsman indicated that he did not feel the suggested procedures were necessary as <br />the recording of council votes would take much more time. Mayor Hinkle indicated <br />that the recording of roll call votes would help people in the audience understand <br />how each individual councilperson felt about an issue and suggested that the Council <br />give the procedure a try. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN ENGSTROM MOVED TO APPROVE THE CHANGE IN THE CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES. THE <br />MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. <br /> <br />\ <br />COUNCILMAN DUITSMAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT CUT-OFF TIME, UNLESS <br />THERE WERE FOUR VOTES TO CONTINUE THE MEETING. COUNCILMAN TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. <br />THE MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />18. Administrator's Update <br /> <br />A. Establish a Date for Meeting to Review the Fire Code <br /> <br />June 14, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall is scheduled for a review of the <br />fire code. <br /> <br />B. Industrial Park Cleanup Work Regarding the Interceptor <br /> <br />The City Administrator indicated that he has contacted McCombs-Knutson regard- <br />ing the completion of the Industrial Park interceptor project and further indi- <br />cated that McCrossan will be out as soon as weather permits to clean up the <br />area and complete the project. Councilman Duitsman questioned the retainage <br />on the project and further questioned the possibility of getting someone else <br />to complete the project should McCrossan not proceed immediately. The City Ad- <br />minis t r a tor ihdicat:edcthat he 'wotildreview 'ibecontractwiihMcCrossan. <br />