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Memo to Planning Commission/P 98-5 <br /> February 23, 1999 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Swill have to be reforested. A similar situation exists on the south side of <br /> 193rd. <br /> Park and Recreation <br /> Corridors for trails be maintained within the within the NSP easement and <br /> the Northern Natural Gas easement on the east boundary of the plat. The <br /> applicant will be responsible for construction of the trails. A sidewalk is <br /> proposed for the north side of 193rd <br /> Grading, Drainage and Utilities <br /> The City Engineer will address grading, drainage and utility issues in his <br /> memo. I would like to point out the developer is proposing an unusual <br /> location for a drainage pond; he is proposing to construct a drainage pond in <br /> the right-of-way for 193rd at the east boundary of the plat. It might become <br /> an issue when the time comes to put in a street and the residents loose what <br /> they thought was a pond. An alternative, as presented by Commissioner <br /> Kuester, would be to locate the pond in a place where future lots are <br /> proposed. When the pond is no longer needed it could be filled and houses <br /> constructed. <br /> 0 Rezoning <br /> For this project to proceed as proposed, the applicant is also requesting a <br /> rezoning from Rle (Single Family Residential) to a PUD (Planned Unit <br /> Development). The PUD allows for more flexibility is design of streets and <br /> lots. All the lots will meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the <br /> original zoning district (Rle). The PUD also allows for a comprehensive <br /> review of the project. <br /> Recommendation <br /> It is recommended the Planning Commission recommend approval of the <br /> rezoning request from Rle (Single Family Residential) to a PUD (Planned <br /> Unit Development) based on the following findings: <br /> 1. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ALLOWS A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF DEVELOPING <br /> THE PROPERTY. <br /> 2. THE PROPOSED REZONING WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. <br /> III <br /> 3. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ALLOWS FOR FLEXIBILITY IN SUBDIVISION DESIGN. <br /> s:\planning\scott\p98-5fpc.doc <br />