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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />City Council Minutes <br />August 10. 1988 <br /> <br />4. Robert Petermann Resignation <br /> <br />At this time the City Admini~trator indicated that this section of the <br />City Council meeting would be tape recorded. The City Administrator <br />distributed a letter received by the City from Officer Robert Petermann <br />and witnessed by Officer Thomas ~yler. in which Officer Petermann resigned <br />from being an Elk River Police Department employee contingent upon the <br />City Council rescinding its action to terminate his employment with the <br />City. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEHBER HOLMGREN MOVED ~O RESCIND CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON <br />8/1/88 TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF OFFICER PETERMANN. COUNCILMEMBER <br />SCHULDT SECONDED THE MOTION. TH~ MOTION CARRIED 3-0. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEHBER SCHULDT MOVED TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF OFFICER PETERMANN <br />EFFECTIVE 8/10/88. OOUNCILMEMBER HOLMGREN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE <br />MOTION CARRIED 3-0. <br /> <br />At this time. Don Heinzman. Edltor of the Elk River Star News. expressed <br />his concern about obtaining do~umentation that led to the City Council's <br />original decision on 8/1/88 ~o terminate the employment of Officer <br />Petermann. According to the attorney representing the Elk River Star <br />News. it is their belief that' such information is public. Mr. Heinzman <br />presented the City Administratpr with a letter requesting the release of <br />documentation that led to the Co~nci1's action on 8/1/88. <br /> <br />5.1.Lion's Club Request for Financial Assistance <br /> <br />The City Administrator distributed a letter dated 8/8/88 from Lion's Club <br />Member Steve Pattison. Steve and Lion's Club President. Bill Lampson <br />were present at the 8/1/88 City Council meeting to request financial <br />assistance (loan) for the constr~ction of the shelter in Lion's Park. The <br />August 8. 1988. letter from the tion's Club indicated that the Lion's Club <br />have located an alternative fund~ng source to help them with the financing <br />of the Lion's Park Shelter. The letter expressed the appreciation of the <br />Lion's Club for Council consider~tion of their request. <br /> <br />5.2.Library Board Vacanc~ <br /> <br />The City Administrator indicated! a vacancy has been created on the Library <br />Board with the resignation of Deloris Collins. The term of Deloris <br />Collins expires at the end of 1988. Former Library Board Member. Ellie <br />Kretsch. had expressed intere$t in fulfilling this term of Ms. Collins. <br />The City has on file an application from Dr. Flannery which expresses his <br />interest in serving on the Library Board. The City has also received an <br />application from former Libratian. Bill Pollard. The City Council <br />indicated that no one needed t~ be present for interviews at the 8/15/88 <br />City Council meeting when consid~ration of filling this vacancy would take <br />place. ' <br />