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Moved by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Nadeau to receive and <br /> file the file May 2017 Financial Report. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> 5.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Update <br /> Mr. Sagstetter presented his staff report. He shared that since the June 23 activation of the level <br /> two charger in the public parking lot in downtown Elk River,we've had two customers that <br /> have utilized the charger. To celebrate the roll out of the electric vehicle (EV) charging <br /> program,ERMU is planning a ribbon cutting ceremony and grand opening scheduled for <br /> September 13 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the site. The event, which coincides with National <br /> Drive Electric Week, will offer members of the community the opportunity to stop by and <br /> learn more about the technology,talk with EV owners, and drive electric vehicles. Mr. <br /> Sagstetter shared a little bit about the marketing plan including a logo that was especially <br /> designed for the program; a copy of the logo was distributed. There was discussion on the <br /> status of the level three charger and its installation at the proposed site. <br /> Staff proposed two hourly fees for the public electric vehicle charging station; the fee for the <br /> first 3 hours at$1.00/hour, and after 3 hours increased to $2.50/hour. Both fees, if approved, <br /> would be added to the 2017 Utilities Fee Schedule. Commissioner Thompson asked if these <br /> fees were comparable with what others stations are charging. Staff responded that they were. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Westgaard to <br /> approve the 2017 Utilities Fee Schedule as amended to include hourly fees for public EV <br /> charging. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> 5.3 Otsego Streetlights <br /> Mr. Adams presented the staff report which outlined the proposed streetlight transfer. Mr. <br /> Adams shared that the transfer would be contingent upon receiving an extension to the <br /> requirement of ERMU having to relocate an overhead electric feeder along County Road 39 to <br /> underground electric by 2018.He explained the complexities and concerns with having to <br /> relocate the facilities and stressed the benefits to getting an extension. <br /> Based on conversations with the Otsego City Engineer regarding the proposed terms of a <br /> transfer, ERMU staff had worked to develop some terms. Mr. Adams presented the terms and <br /> recommended the Commission approve them as presented, and give staff the authority to work <br /> with legal counsel to develop an asset transfer agreement and a CSAH 39 overhead to <br /> underground electric system relocation extension agreement. <br /> Commissioner Thompson commented that this sounded like it was going to involve a great <br /> deal of work and money to bring the streetlights up to our standards. Staff responded that a <br /> supplemental transfer of funds for prorated and reduced aid to construction would be one of the <br /> terms of the agreements. There was discussion. <br /> Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> July 11,2017 <br /> 25 <br />