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4.7 PCSR 06-27-2017
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4.7 PCSR 06-27-2017
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6/22/2017 4:01:04 PM
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6/22/2017 2:31:51 PM
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Background /Discussion <br />The applicant, Roger Derrick with the Pines at Elk River, LLC, purchased two adjoining parcels on 183rd <br />Circle NW and is proposing to develop both parcels as 26 detached townhome units. The project will be <br />similar to the West Oaks project, which was also developed by Roger Derrick. Some units will have the <br />option for a walkout basement. Kliever Lake Fields and Miske Meadows have also included detached <br />townhome units similar to those proposed with this project. <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />The Comprehensive Plan guides this area as Mixed Use which allows a mixture of housing, jobs and /or <br />retail services uses within close proximity to each other. The area also provides another setting for high <br />density residential land uses. The proposed use and rezoning is supported by the comprehensive plan. <br />The applicant had hoped to develop the area with higher density residential uses, but the road network <br />does not support the traffic generated by such a use. <br />Site Plan <br />The 26 townhome lots are laid out along two private streets, both of which access 183rd Circle NW. The <br />parcels and placement of the homes have been planned to minimize impacts to existing trees on the site, <br />buffering the homes from view along Twin Lakes Road and 183rd Circle. Each home will have driveway <br />access to a private street, and no additional access points to public rights -of -way are proposed. <br />Townhome standards require one -half guest parking space per unit in an off -street parking lot or private <br />drive. The private streets appear to provide this standard, but an exhibit demonstrating compliance must <br />be submitted. <br />The existing drainage pond on the south side of the site will be utilized for the development. The wetland <br />was not delineated as there is not any proposed development south of the drainage pond. <br />Engineering and Utilities <br />In conjunction with the tree preservation goals, minimal grading to the site has been proposed. Most of <br />the grading will take place in the center of the site, and the perimeters will be minimally changed. <br />Properties are graded to direct runoff to the private streets, which collect stormwater via catch basins, and <br />to the rear of the property. Stormwater collected in the streets is directed to the existing stormwater pond <br />which was constructed as part of the previous plats. <br />All homes will be served by city sewer and water. <br />Landscaping <br />The proposed landscape plan shows a number of trees along the private streets, and between the <br />townhomes. An updated landscaping plan demonstrating compliance with Sec. 30 -994 (h) must be <br />submitted. <br />Parks <br />Park dedication was satisfied with previous plats in this area, and will not be collected as part of this <br />project. <br />\ \dc3 -elks \shared \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \P \P 17 -09 The Pines at Elk River \4Planning Commission \P 17- <br />09 Pines at Elk River.docx <br />
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