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Hours of Operation <br />Currently, Tiller operates their loading and trucking hours from 7:00 a.m. -Saturday. <br />However, Tiller is looking to adjust their hours for loading and trucking on this site to be 6:00 a.m. to <br />7:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday. All other site operations occur 24 hours a day except for Sundays and <br />holidays. The site will be subject to the MN State noise standards and wilcomply with the stricter night <br />time standards during the period from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. as defined by MN Rules Chapter 7030, <br />Noise Pollution Control. <br /> <br />Tillerhas conducted sound level monitoring for all sites in Elk River <br />comply with the nighttime noise standards. This information has been received by th <br />as part of their annual Mineral Excavation License application. <br /> <br />Based on this information and monitoring of noise complaints fro <br />approval of this request to extend hours of operations by one hour. <br /> <br />Reclamation Plan <br />The existing CUP requires reclamation to be implemented on an an <br />plans submitted by the operator and approved by the EnvironmentaStaff is looking for a <br />comprehensive reclamation plan for the site showing additional detail of final grades, proposed <br />topography, and vegetation. The detailed comprehensive reclamation plan is an important pi <br />city works to make decisions today that will influence the redevelopment of the city in the mining areas. <br />Applicable Regulations <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if t <br />1. Will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and en the immediate <br />vicinity or the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or ge city. <br />The proposed use will not detrimentally affect nearby property a <br />of the development and is located adjacent to other mineral excavation establishments. The annual <br />permitting process takes neighboring properties into account. The proposed use will comply with <br />MN Rules Chapter 7030, Noise Pollution Control for all sites during all operating hours. <br /> <br />2. Will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> The use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposedmineral excavation <br />guidance for the property through the Gravel Mine Area Study completed in 2014. <br />3. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />The proposed use will not affect the surrounding Commercial Reserve Transition (zoning district) <br />and Development Reserve (land use). This area of Elk River and the surrounding Livonia Township <br />land is largely used for gravel mining and landfill operations. <br /> <br />4. Will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essen <br />streets, police and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer <br />will not, in particular, create traffic congestion or interferen <br />thoroughfares. <br />N:\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\CUP\CU 17-14 Tiller\4-Planning Commission\4.3_CU 17-14 Tiller PC <br />Report.docx <br />