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Analysis <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />The property has a land use designation of Mississippi Connections (Plan). The Plan states: Proctor and <br />,Quinn Avenue area is a relativey small area with a variety of incompatible land uses including both residential and heavy <br />industrial. Highway 10 improvements will include Proctor Drive intersecting with Highway 10 via an overpass. This <br />overpass will extend to the north, over the railroad tracks. This long elevated road will create a unique opportunity for the <br />property in the area, altering visibility and access. Due to the area's proximity to the train tracks and Highway 10 traffic, <br />the Plan suggests business park uses and employment centers. <br />Strategies of the Plan are: <br />1. ilork with the development community to identift and explore market opportunities and the feasibility of redeveloping <br />the area as a whole. <br />2. ilork with interested property owners in the development of a master plan prior to rezoning the parcels. <br />3. Establish opportunities to construct community directional signage andgateway signage along Proctor Avenue. <br />Staff has been, and continues to, work with the applicant on draft master plans for the block, but no <br />agreement has been reached. The southernmost five parcels eventually lose direct access to Proctor <br />Avenue and will only be accessible from the west via a cul -de -sac. <br />Transportation /Circulation <br />The site will be accessed via Quinn Avenue on the west side and there is adequate circulation within the <br />site. In the near future, Proctor Avenue will be upgraded to include a dedicated right turn lane for <br />westbound Highway 10. This will eliminate the access to 6`'' Street from Proctor Avenue as 6`'' Street will <br />be a cul -de -sac. A new east -west connection between Proctor and Quinn Avenues will be added as part <br />of this project, but the final location and design has not been finalized. The connection may be on the <br />north or south side of the current site. <br />Abandoned driveways on Proctor Road shall be replaced with concrete barrier style curbing. <br />Parking <br />The site will be providing 28 parking stall for parking of trucks from the Beaudry Oil & Propane fleet. <br />There will also be 4 parking stall for employee and customer parking, which meets the ordnance <br />requirements. <br />The site will need to comply with Chapter 57 of the MN State Fire Code with the possibility of parking <br />tanked vehicles longer than allowed by code. <br />Grading/ Drainage <br />The project is proposing and underground storm detention area. The City Engineer has requested that it <br />be shifted to north side of parking lot. <br />Landscaping <br />Per the city ordinance, 28 trees are required with the development of the property. The submitted <br />landscape plan only shows 6 trees. An updated landscape plan must be submitted. The CUP condition <br />of a compliant landscape plan will be removed if one is received prior to the City Council meeting. Staff <br />M \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \CUP \CU 17 -08 Truck Shop - Beaudry\4 - Planning Commission \CU 17 -08 sr PC 3- <br />28-17.docx <br />