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6.1 PCSR 03-28-2017
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6.1 PCSR 03-28-2017
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3/23/2017 9:13:36 AM
City Government
CU 17-07
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Attachment A: Letter sent to City staff prior to the February 6, 2017 City Council Work <br />SPECTRUM <br />HIGH SCHOOL <br />GRADES 6-32 <br />February 6, 2017 <br />Cal Portner <br />Elk River City Manager <br />13065 Orono Parkway Elk River, MN 55330 <br />Dear Mr. Portner, <br />17796 Industrial Circle NW, Elk River, MN 55330 <br />Phone: ( &763) 241 -8703 <br />Fax: (763) 663 -1380 <br /> <br />This letter is intended as a follow up to the December 19, 2016 City Council meeting. As you know, Spectrum has had <br />active discussions with the City since August 2016 about our desire to expand facilities within the Business Park. <br />Spectrum's first plan involved expanding within the remainder of the building in which Spectrum's sixth grade facility is <br />located. After careful consideration and planning, including discussions with City staff, Spectrum applied for a <br />conditional use permit (CUP) for this building. We were surprised to receive a negative response toward this plan at the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in December. Based on that response, as well as new information presented to <br />Spectrum from City staff about possible land south of our existing high school building being donated to the school, <br />Spectrum withdrew that CUP application. <br />As we explore other alternatives, we at Spectrum feel it is helpful to remind you of the dimensions of our expansion <br />needs. Charter schools have limited funds for facilities. Unlike traditional school districts, charter schools cannot use the <br />levy process to raise additional funds. Spectrum has invested substantially into its existing facilities in the Business Park, <br />in reliance on the willingness of the City to grant CUP's to Spectrum. <br />Spectrum has identified an expansion site within the Business Park: the building and land located at 17823 Industrial <br />Circle, directly east from the high school across Industrial Circle (between the high school and the existing 6th grade). <br />This site would work for Spectrum's expansion of its 7th and 8th grades and would fit within Spectrum's budget. We <br />believe we could configure Spectrum's use of that site in a manner that would also improve traffic flow on Industrial <br />Circle. Spectrum is ready to proceed with this plan if it can receive a CUP for the property. <br />Spectrum is mindful of comments from some who not only oppose any expansion of Spectrum within the Business Park, <br />but actively desire Spectrum to reduce its footprint within the Business Park. Spectrum is willing to accommodate that <br />desire and pursue construction of a second facility on another site, coupled with vacating the existing sixth grade facility. <br />However, any such option increases the cost to Spectrum to a level that is substantially beyond Spectrum's ability to pay. <br />To make any other option work, Spectrum would have to sell its existing sixth grade facility for at least $4 million. We <br />are not aware of any market opportunity to sell the sixth grade site for that price. Therefore, to make any off -site option <br />viable, the City will need, at a minimum, to participate in a solution that purchases the sixth grade facility from Spectrum <br />for approximately $4 million. <br />As to new site options, at the request of City Staff, Spectrum initially focused it's planning efforts on the land to the south <br />of the high school. However, as you know, the EDA and City Council expressed reluctance to donate the proposed land. <br />Further, that land offers substantial challenges with respect to school bus ingress and egress as well as acquiring land to <br />connect the site to the current high school site. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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