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Parking <br />The site is developed and includes 66 parking spaces. The facility includes 15 classrooms, and the <br />parking requirement for elementary /junior high schools is two (2) stalls for each classroom. The subject <br />property has the required 30 parking stalls required per ordinance. <br />Approval of this application will shift enrollment numbers at the other two locations. The sixth grade <br />facility has ample parking for an increase to enrollment, but an increase at the high school facility creates <br />a parking requirement that cannot be satisfied with the current site plan. Assuming an equal distribution <br />of students, the high school site needs additional parking spaces. The applicant notes in their narrative <br />that among their three sites, they have the required number of spaces. Staff spoke with the applicant and <br />they agreed to shift their parking demands to ensure on -street parking is not needed for their operation. <br />Staff will work with Spectrum to ensure all parking needs will continue to be met on -site, and not utilize <br />the street for day to day parking needs. A CUP amendment will be needed if parking becomes an issue <br />in the future. <br />Drop Off /Pick Up <br />The applicant proposes to adjust their bus routes to consolidate pick up /drop offs for all three sites at <br />one location. The desired location is along the east (northbound) curb on industrial circle, adjacent to <br />the currently proposed site. See the attached site plan for the bus staging, and the proposed crosswalk <br />and sidewalks. The buses will exit the business park at the north intersection of Industrial Circle and <br />Twin Lakes Road. <br />In the past, staff has received complaints from the community regarding safety at both intersections of <br />Industrial Circle and Twin Lakes Road. No improvements at these intersections are planned at this <br />time. <br />Students <br />The applicant's narrative notes that they currently serve over 600 students in grades 6 to 12 between the <br />two facilities. Current projections anticipate continued growth in enrollment through 2022, reaching a <br />capacity of 1,000 students with the current buildings. The CUP would increase the enrollment cap. <br />Number of Employees <br />Spectrum currently employs about 140 people, and after the expansion is complete, they anticipate hiring <br />an additional 20 to 50 employees. The staff will be split between the three facilities. Spectrum will flex <br />their employee parking locations to ensure adequate off street parking is maintained at each site. <br />Hours of Operation <br />While the hours of operation may change, currently the student school hours are 7:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. <br />(Monday -Friday during the school year) <br />Faculty school hours start at 7:30 a.m. (Monday -Friday during the school year) <br />School year (End of August through May) <br />Extracurricular activities vary in timing, but generally they occur between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. <br />N: \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \CUP \CU 17 -07 Spectrum \4 Planning Commission \6.1 sr Spectrum CUP.docx <br />