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6.1 PCSR 03-28-2017
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6.1 PCSR 03-28-2017
Entry Properties
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3/23/2017 2:20:53 PM
Creation date
3/23/2017 9:13:36 AM
City Government
CU 17-07
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Attachment B: Response to Applicable Regulation <br />Spectrum High School notes that the facility located at 17823 Industrial Circle NW meets the City's regulations for a <br />Conditional Use Permit in the following manner: <br />1. The use of this facility will not endanger, injure, or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other property in <br />the immediate vicinity or the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the <br />neighborhood or the city. <br />Spectrum has been located in the business park since 2011 (6 years) and has been intentional about ensuring the <br />safety of its students, staff, and the general public. The addition of 17823 Industrial Circle NW will continue to <br />improve the school's ability to ensure vehicle and pedestrian safety through improved traffic flow and better <br />separation of pedestrian and car traffic from buses. <br />The improved traffic flow within the business park will also improve the comfort and convenience of other <br />businesses within the park. <br />2. This application will not detrimentally affect the use of nearby properties. <br />As noted above, the addition of this facility will positively affect nearby properties by improving the flow of <br />traffic and pedestrians within the business park. <br />Spectrum acknowledges that this is an industrial zoned area which may cause noise, odor, traffic, or other <br />undesirable impacts to the school. <br />3. This facility will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The City Council amended the zoning ordinance to allow institutional uses in the Business Park zoning district, <br />which is guided for industrial uses. The change concludes that these uses are acceptable in industrial guided areas. <br />4. This facility will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant <br />property. <br />Surrounding properties are nearly fully developed, and future uses in existing buildings or sites will be consistent <br />with the BP standards. This project will not impact that development. <br />The building is currently vacant and Spectrum High School will be making significant improvements to both the <br />building and the open land increasing their value, aesthetics, and functionality. <br />5. This facility will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services <br />including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks and <br />schools; and will not, in particular, create traffic congestion or interference with traffic on adjacent and <br />neighboring public thoroughfares. <br />The facility is served by public utilities, maintains access for emergency services, and will not adversely impact <br />surrounding facilities. <br />It is the school's understanding, based on feedback from City staff, that Twin Lakes Road NW is designed to <br />accommodate heavy traffic flow and, at some point, become one of the main thoroughfares for the City of Elk <br />River. <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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