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program for $5 at each home game. The total cost of the ad was $3,000 with an impression rate of over <br />10,000/game. <br />Social Media/Tweeting <br />During the various trade shows, staff tweets via our Twitter feed. Staff also re -tweets posts from our <br />various sponsors. <br />Video(s): <br />Staff is currently working with the city's video production team to produce a short video highlighting the <br />Nature's Edge Business Park development. The project will include stories and footage from Morrell <br />Oversize, Gatr Trucking and Sportech Inc. Production is expected to start once the weather turns to <br />spring. The video will be aired on the city's YouTube Channel and on the EDA/HRA website/webpage. <br />Sponsorships: <br />The city anticipates sponsoring the annual Real Estate Journal's Energy Summit and the annual Data <br />Center Summit in partnership with ERMU. The sponsorships included an opportunity to present at the <br />event, an exhibit booth where staff distributes some of our informational packets and various swag. The <br />summits average between 100-150 attendees. <br />Financial Impact <br />Funding for trade shows, marketing and advertising are included in the 2017 budget. <br />Attachments <br />■ Lead Forensics Proposal <br />■ 4`'' Quarter Google Analytics Report <br />