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3.1 BASR 06-28-2016 DRAFT MIN
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3.1 BASR 06-28-2016 DRAFT MIN
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6/24/2016 10:16:09 AM
Creation date
6/24/2016 10:16:09 AM
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Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 <br /> May 24,2016 <br /> 4.7 Xcel Properties/Buzick— 580 Dodge Street NW <br /> • Conditional Use Permit for auto sales/repair, Case No. CU 16-12 <br /> The staff report was presented by Chris Leeseberg. Staff recommended approval of the <br /> request with the 12 conditions listed in the staff report dated May 24,2016. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito asked exceptions have been made in the parking requirements <br /> for other auto dealers in the city. Mr. Leeseberg stated that he has not been involved in any <br /> new CUP's for dealerships,but that in looking at aerial photos,Cornerstone Auto and the <br /> KIA locations have the office parking striped. The KIA dealership has two long yellow <br /> stripes to define the display area. He stated that Big Tex was required to stripe the trailer <br /> display area. He stated he could not speak to what was required in the past. <br /> Chair Johnson asked if there was other auto repair in this area. And audience participant <br /> stated that there is an auto detail shop in the back of 368 Dodge. Mr. Leeseberg stated that <br /> if there is auto repair going on in this PUD,it would be a legal nonconforming use. He <br /> stated that the tire store is considered a retail shop. Chair Johnson stated that the former oil <br /> change facility that did auto repair. Mr. Leeseberg stated that he would look into this issue <br /> prior to the city council meeting. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito asked if the PUD agreement could be amended to allow auto <br /> repair. Chair Johnson stated that if auto repair was necessary,the applicant would need to <br /> request an amendment. Mr. Leeseberg stated that the applicant is on a tight schedule and <br /> does not want to postpone his request. <br /> Chair Johnson opened the public hearing. <br /> Gary Santwire,part owner of Rivers Crossing and Equity Management, adjacent <br /> property owner—stated they are the owner of 594 and 564 and Dodge Avenue,all of the <br /> vacant property south of the site,and also,7 of the 8 townhomes to the east of the subject <br /> property (557 thru 551 Auburn Place). He stated that the bedrooms of the townhomes back <br /> up to this property. He stated that he sold the subject property to what was at the time, <br /> Oliver and Associates and they have been an excellent neighbor. He stated his concern is <br /> with having auto repair at this location. He explained that auto repair using impact wrenches <br /> and grinders that would disturb the residents in the neighboring businesses and townhomes. <br /> He stated that there has been an issue with car repair in the past and they are strongly <br /> opposed to it. He stated that the applicant is requesting car repair,but staff is <br /> recommending no car repair. He asked if the CUP was being granted to the applicant or the <br /> property. Mr. Leeseberg stated the CUP is granted to the property. He noted that the <br /> conditions recommended by staff include a condition to not allow auto repair (condition <br /> #5). Mr. Santwire stated he was concerned that there were no state requirements. He also <br /> had concerns about signage. He explained that there was an easement for a small directional <br /> sign. Mr. Santwire stated he would like the second access remain open. He questioned how <br /> a person could get in and out of car if the parking stall is only 7 feet wide,since he measured <br /> his car and it is about 7 feet wide. He asked if snow removal has been considered. He <br /> questioned where the cars would be parked in order to plow the snow. He questioned that <br />
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