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Analysis <br /> Comprehensive Plan <br /> The property is guided for urban residential development per the Comprehensive Plan. This land use <br /> designation includes areas guided for residential uses in areas that will be served by municipal sewer and <br /> water services.The Comprehensive Plan supports the proposed land use. <br /> Transportation/ Circulation <br /> The platted parcels will be along one new street,Johnson Street,which can be accessed from the north <br /> by the existing stubbed in street of 192nd Lane NW and from the south by 191st Lane NW,which will be <br /> constructed as part of this phase of development. Each parcel will have a single driveway with a <br /> maximum width of 30 feet,when measured at the property line. <br /> Sidewalks will be constructed by the applicant along the west side of Johnson Street and will connect <br /> with the existing walk along the north side of 192nd Lane NW. <br /> Grading/ Drainage <br /> The Engineering and Stormwater Departments continue to review the plans and are working with the <br /> applicant to ensure the proposal meets current city standards. In general, the grading and drainage plans <br /> will follow previous approvals with a stormwater pond in the northwest corner of the platted area. <br /> Landscaping <br /> The landscaping for the development will be consistent with previous plans, and includes two boulevard <br /> trees per lot,with additional trees allocated for corner parcels. Landscaping is also required along Twin <br /> Lakes Road to provide a vegetative buffer for the residents in that area, and will be approved based on <br /> the previous landscape plan. <br /> Applicable Regulation <br /> Approval of a Preliminary Plat may only be ordered if the following findings have been made, as outlined <br /> in Section 30-375: <br /> (1) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the honing regulations (article VI of this chapter)and conforms in <br /> all respects with all requirements of this Code, including the_zoning regulations and this article. <br /> The property is zoned PUD and is guided by previously approved River Park plans and <br /> documents. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning regulations outlined in <br /> the city code and approved plans. <br /> (2) The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable general and specialised city, couny, and regional <br /> plans, including, but not limited to, the city's comprehensive development plan. <br /> The proposed subdivision does not conflict with any city, county, or regional plans,including <br /> the Comprehensive Plan. The River Park subdivision was part of an Environmental <br /> Assessment Worksheet (EAW) which included analysis of traffic and other environmental <br /> impacts. The current plans do not conflict with that study. <br /> (3) The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to <br /> erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding and drainage are suitable for the type and density of development <br /> and uses contemplated. <br /> The site is suitable for the proposed development. The applicant and city staff continue to <br /> work together to finalize grading, erosion control, and drainage plans. <br /> \\dc3-elkr\shared\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\P\P 16-05 River Park Third\Planning Commission 5-24-2016\P <br /> 16-05 PC Staff Report RP3.docx <br />