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6.4 PCSR 02-23-2016
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6.4 PCSR 02-23-2016
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/19/2016 1:28:46 PM
Creation date
2/19/2016 1:28:04 PM
City Government
CU 16-07
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The building is currently in use as an apartment building,which is not a permitted or conditional use in <br /> the Highway Business (C-3) zoning district,and is classified as an illegal use. Hotels are a conditional use <br /> in the C-3 district,but the building does not meet the city's definition of a hotel as it has cooking facilities <br /> in eight of the units. By applying for an IUP,which may allow for similar uses to temporarily deviate <br /> from the zoning ordinance,the applicant is seeking to operate as an extended stay hotel with cooking <br /> facilities. <br /> Comprehensive Plan <br /> The city adopted an updated comprehensive plan in May 2014 where the land use designation for the <br /> parcel was changed to reflect the Focused Area Study (FAST),which guides this, and adjacent parcels to <br /> the south, for high density residential uses. The residential guidance supports the current use as an <br /> apartment building,but the structure does not meet zoning or building codes to legally operate as such. <br /> To re-establish a legal status, the applicant has requested to operate under an IUP for a period of five <br /> years,at which time they will have converted the site to an approved apartment building. In order to <br /> establish the apartment use, the owner needs additional time to prepare plans, acquire property, and <br /> secure funding prior to seeking formal approval. <br /> Building <br /> The applicant is proposing to utilize the entire building for the extended stay hotel use. The building was <br /> originally constructed as a hotel,and operated as such until the original CUP expired in April 2010. The <br /> plans submitted with the 2011 CUP application did not identify any changes and establishment of a hotel <br /> was reauthorized. <br /> City ordinance section 30-1 states: Hotel means any building or portion thereof where lodging is offered to transient <br /> guests for compensation and in which there are more than five sleeping rooms with no cooking facilities in individual dwelling <br /> units. Submitted plans show that eight units have been modified to include cooking facilities meaning the <br /> building cannot operate as a `hotel'under the city's ordinance.The IUP may provide the applicant with <br /> an opportunity to deviate slightly from this requirement. <br /> Transportation/Circulation/Parking <br /> The subject property has one access point onto the cul-de-sac at the end of Zane Street.The nearest <br /> access to the highway is at the 173rd Ave and Hwy 10 intersection.This intersection only permits right in <br /> and right out movements and is scheduled to be closed when MnDOT completes future work along the <br /> Hwy 10 corridor.When this happens, traffic will be directed further south along Yale Street to the traffic <br /> signal at 171st Ave and Hwy 10. <br /> There is adequate parking for a hotel use as the parking lot has not been altered since the building was <br /> constructed. <br /> Applicable Regulation <br /> The issuance of an Interim Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br /> (1) The period of time for which the interim use permit is to be granted will terminate before any adverse impacts are felt <br /> upon adjacent properties. <br /> The applicant owns the adjacent properties and plans to incorporate them into a larger multi- <br /> family development project in the future. The applicant has requested a five year IUP. The time <br /> period will not adversely impact adjacent properties. <br /> \\dc3-elkr\shared\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\CUP\CU 16-07 ER Lodges IUP\CU 16-07 sr PC ER Lodge IUP <br /> 2-23-2016.docx <br />
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