specializes in the manufac- turnec
<br /> ture of flexible stand-up °" - r
<br /> Differ
<br /> pouches, originally thought "" '1 l'' a,,' a wee.
<br /> it would need large capacity :,;, � -' _ k', which
<br /> for water consumption and �N;P w^'w:F '+ ,,a, F items
<br /> ipro
<br /> sewer. Its plans were later First
<br /> scaled back when its prod- Bill McMullen presents the products currently being new
<br /> 0 uct sizes were decreased. produced at SoftPac's new Elk River facility. CAER;
<br /> The company, which lected
<br /> employs more than 50 peo- River. The Elk River build- products for Target and its Salvat
<br /> ple at its Elk River opera- ing currently has 100,000 own brand, Jurassic Juice. third
<br /> tion, recently opened its square feet of space, with Jurassic Juice is sold at hats, i
<br /> corporate headquarters and room for expansion. Coborn's stores: for AB
<br /> stand-up juice pouch pro- It currently produces The company operates a Center
<br /> duction facility in Elk Archer Farms brand juice second facility in Foley. grader
<br /> cans w
<br /> •
<br /> —� Landfill gas: `We accomplished a very good thing' G•l ec
<br /> made .
<br /> Continued from page 1B rate tl
<br /> were U.S. Senate candidate How it works . . . Senior
<br /> Jim Moore,who spoke, and *As garbage in the landfill decomposes, methane gas is The
<br /> U.S. Rep. Mark Kennedy. produced. This gas is recovered by a series of wells drilled will be
<br /> Meanwhile, Elk River into the landfill. will in
<br /> Municipal Utilities General" •The wells are interconnected by a common collection sys- games
<br /> Manager Bryan Adams tern which transports the gas to a compression facility.There, to a c:
<br /> said the project developed the gas is compressed, dried and filtered before being sent local h(
<br /> out of a desire to use land- through turbines or engines to produce electricity.
<br /> fill gas in a better way. 'Landfill gas production typically continues for 20 to 30
<br /> Much of the landfill gas years once garbage is placed in the landfill. Elk F
<br /> was "flared off"or burned Source: Waste Management conc
<br /> in the past.
<br /> Adams said this new plant "I think we accomplished a school groups. The E]
<br /> will consume virtually all very good thing,"he said of The landfill gas-to-elec- a fall c]
<br /> of the landfill gas being the plant. tricity facility is one of a Nov 7 i
<br /> produced. The facility also includes number of energy-related Ticket
<br /> S Sherburne County Solid an attached environmental projects which have sprung and sex
<br /> Waste Officer Dave Lucas learning center with a up in Elk River since it was maximi
<br /> said the technology used in . classroom which can be designated "Energy City" fund ra
<br /> the new facility has been used for energy and envi- about five years ago.
<br /> proven over and over again. ronmental workshops for
<br /> R
<br /> CO
<br /> j ', 'gym "1X : .� i-"F V` $4 Ft
<br /> li 17a i�` r 1-, n a'i, }as K �-04.d+�ysi- ti x'� ar.�x"` a i k e
<br /> vi.,:afi` '�, ,,Fa .. ,w F.mt.` , sa+. v� "�! �'x ��kn,�.�.m.:n ,,..1,.,�v .,�,
<br /> Scott Breuer Homes - Alsi
<br /> e-7-71
<br /> wins Trillium award
<br /> V . k . p For p
<br /> In
<br /> Scott Breuer Homes,has been awarded E k "� 1;--“ aries fc
<br /> `' its 14th Trillium award for a home in 1, ',• 4 t' _ . ; '` agreen
<br /> the Oak Hill neighborhood in Elk River. ' P Talk,
<br /> The home has 3,362 square feet and is ` •a r Be pos
<br /> listed at $354,868. f a x . ' Just.wh
<br /> The Trillium Award is presented annu- fet 1. = �,, ,� : :.- ,* invite• earn
<br /> ally to home builders in recognition of "_ . - ,..Awe -'-'1'*;7'"- - ' with yo
<br /> their outstanding achievements in qual- to hold
<br /> ity design and building. Groundbreaking for sion.
<br /> Nathe's 101 Market For c
<br /> People in business •Offer
<br /> •B & D Plumbing, Heating and A/C Nathe's 101 Market in Otsego recent- lish bot
<br /> Inc. of St. Michael has received an ly broke ground for its permanent entorce.
<br /> Offer
<br /> award for "Safety in the• Workplace" facility. each o�
<br /> ' from the Ohio Casualty Insurance The business is expanding, moving approp
<br /> Group due to no loss time accidents for across the road from the existing site •When
<br /> take re:
<br /> Highway 101.
<br /> the policy period of April 1, 2001, to alongents kn
<br /> April 1, 2002.The award was presented From left to right are LeRoy
<br /> to Safety Director Todd Golley and Lindenfelser, The Bank of Elk River;
<br /> President Dennis Daleiden. Jerry Kersten, John Oliver and
<br /> 'Michelle Ulrich of Otsego and Associates; Colin Evenson, architect; --
<br /> Andrea Davies of Elk River recently Marilyn Nathe Specht, owner; Dave
<br /> hPeamn
<br /> n rnann
<br /> lf, fa fn .,
<br /> ,-T .+ n
<br /> nA, „c;,,,,,I„ Nathe. supplier; Julie Nathe. owner: ch
<br />