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Caswell,chief financial offi-. one of the reasons the city is 1.5-2 percent of the'busi- Cities and Di— Ltoud has ing of Sof ac, a company special job and Mik <br /> cer and co-owner of E&O is honoring the businesses ness' market value. made Elk River a prime that recently chose to locate Johnson was attenc <br /> Tool and Plastics,a compa- during Minnesota Residential properties are location to attract a skilled <br /> P on Business Center Drive. a Sherburne Count; <br /> fly that employs more than Manufacturing Week. taxed 1 percent of their Job force and also puts man- Planning Commissi <br /> 125 people in Elk River. "I don't know if the general value. ufacturers close to cus- <br /> tomers and vendors. Week cont'd to page 4B meeting. <br /> New facility turns landfill gas into electricity <br /> 25 years <br /> ago <br /> Loeb <br /> i Astrup �+ � " representing terica. he Lio <br /> q 1' ° a � �, Club,was pictured <br /> ate editor , <br /> fill <br /> produced by decom- '� � '��� 1 ' � ""�` � x+�°L 6 °,,r�`i �^� r P <br /> posing garbage is now gen- e , `� ° t ra> §#+a, �,."' senting a$200 there; <br /> I++ 1 "` ^r Ri the kids of St.Andre <br /> erating ' irk Y 4 a+ + a "'`' rid <br /> electricity doseESS.' ` y ti,',—....,:00/0P. , ,# c ,. ,µtor ;`^ School to help the sc <br /> + cer program provide <br /> at the Elk A loser look �a <br /> River :t " , 1, c + '. r ',.,',.-.,,,g,,,;,:-..,:',0,',,1 �,�',� instruction to 350 hl <br /> 3 • 7 r ' ' dr en from three schc <br /> Landfill. �- �^ air" � � x "^` *"� 1iW ;'-'44;, <br /> The new •r `-'x•xq' u � "� `'t." " .1 r : in the area. <br /> 1}a +•M !j.144, -1-,-,'„, <br /> • - tx, , •Former Elk River <br /> landfill 9 T �'^ � T-.+P!- � '"- d � '%" <br /> I y' Cr -± i. - s H r man,Dr.Dan Ander <br /> gas-to- tfs.• „ 1 , and his wife,Anitav <br /> electric a►.; <br /> -'•,,,,.-it d �:, s , • ' on their way home . <br /> f a c i l i t y Landfill gas" ° a ,,. kt�'` t0r r ea European tour wh <br /> began ,.;:'''',...,?-r,i,.' „ to 7" ,F�1* x ., Y--f P <br /> operating last week.Fueled '":\ r r 1' i i their plane,a a tire, <br /> by gas from the landfill, it i 747 et, blew a tire <br /> raF usa " mea 1 0 ., ' take-off,giving the F <br /> will produce enough elec- <br /> tricity to power 1,600 homes ‘1,.,:',:;'43'.1:-.‘":''.15'''. no choice but to set 1 <br /> — or about 15 percent of ..-.,"-`v",`r J ' - r , plane back down on <br /> st �" ground.All the pass, <br /> Elk River's electrical needs. i , " c <br /> The landfill gas —tom- ; gers were transferre <br /> prised of 52 percent y,?. '' '`' i. :,,,,......:•_2„4:f another plane and ` <br /> methane,47 percent carbon 7.� believe it or not,alit <br /> r <br /> 6. <br /> Ill 1 the exact same thin! <br /> dioxide and 1 percent Dais- iLr <br /> cellaneous — is naturally happened and they <br /> produced as garbage decom- were not able to tak <br /> poses. off <br /> Elk River Mayor' � � <br /> Stephanie Klinzing said the t a� 75 years ago <br /> •Two local Elk Ri <br /> project is a cooperative i men Were tossed of <br /> effort involving Sherburne ' 4 <br /> ar the road in a rollin; <br /> County, Elk River ` � ... ,. <br /> Municipal Utilities,the city motion between <br /> of Elk River and Waite Vance Zehringer of Elk River Municipal Utilities gave a house on Tuesday,Oct.22.(Photos by Joni Astrup) Dayton and Champ <br /> Management, which owns tour of the landfill gas-to-electric facility during an open late Sunday night'c <br /> the landfill. early Monday morn <br /> • <br /> Through that cooperative , "This plant should be o er- ,'44#1.01rThe accident was . <br /> effort, we ended up with able foa good 30 years," #• ' ` f tl t � w r zr thought to be cause <br /> this eat Project,"she said said Sherburne Count ' ."""; � '3 rt� §t r} 41 ` b hi h speeds and <br /> P j Y �` '",„,,.,,;„...:,,,:$!°,1"'" * .�^�, ��;� � x� � ,Ma ix , z���� a � Y g P <br /> di n open house at the Commissioner Rachel , '.1 a ,' j ,, i*I l„,'' y e,. loose gravel.The di <br /> f on Tuesday,Oct.22. Leonard. "I'm really tickled er,Dean Clark,was <br /> River Municipal about this partnership." d, seriously injured ar <br /> Utilities owns the gas-to- During the open house, p senger, <br /> the as Albe <br /> electric facility while Waste plaques were presented to7 Schmidt,was killed <br /> Management operates and the Sherburne County arz `� �� '. " 1 .With a new traffic <br /> is Jt��3 do :c 5;1 • 4 I»as .. <br /> maintains it. Board of Commissioners x =$ .. .+ f $�, „• ,,,, tis r .- s� k passed by the last le <br /> Fundingfor the project and to the cityof Elk River, ` *'4 �` , P� lature,"official lamp <br /> s - 't :k a r a r p ! a ,err k r testing stations"wer <br /> came from Sherburne which has put about$50,000 ,t „et. 4..7!...,,,'„ta. ,; i , <br /> County into the project. ` ' r � ! "" >r f r ' be set up in cities an <br /> The county loaned Elk Another plaque listing „1 , t , z , villages oations sot: <br /> River Municipal Utilities those involved in the project �,•-„� - rr rc, • i4� ,, All the stations were <br /> $2.86 million over 20'years will be hung at the plant. . ` tea .�r be equipped to:test, <br /> at no interest. The money Among the dignitaries - .t.,....,,,,,,,......,..,..„.. <br /> ,, -•,� adjust,,focus,clean a <br /> came from a tax Sherburne attending the open house Oir"" , 1 repair automobile <br /> ems lam•s <br /> County collects on garbage P <br /> dumped in the landfill. Landfill gas to page 4B The new landfill gas-to-electric plant at the Elk River Landfill. <br /> — ,t <br /> livol ' - ' ' 1, w iii 4 11 xl, 7 <br /> IA ft <br /> vt <br /> .ftlrgmiuh '�I wd-ffi' Mid 'I t n Ann L..,' n'dade Awr Ga, .tdtn - 4;:r441,—:. chrn 3hriiY' "S Kim Back. ICgrrY Onn KIhe .Toy <br /> Bootny-- .!uncal AeAHntl B•uudry Uirtrrichv Woxt. Boenhurt� -\bxaerlee O•Gara ()9tnatnnn: T.gelrmnu Binikn, Stnloltu Olson, -Bnrnn:. 6rkltson f�Bhort Nordq <br /> IP PRICE REDUCED$159,900DETACHED TOWNHOME VILLAS OF CAMBRIDGE ATTENTION MEN! <br /> Q /'.e This rambler has . I aarmwunt Hame BWders Inc PraenB ownhftve,2ati Qca Looking a olacextra storage & work space <br /> nee.. rnmrintnl., ./Isle I., <br /> tSfahnghfhe lawibOs.�l698 sq.R4lYt�4baU52cx9ar°, Here's the olace.42x36 del,garage.34x3 <br /> 41110 <br />