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We would suggest that as part of the agreement the EDA/City would not sell any parcels until the parcel <br /> is developed by a third party. This way the EDA/City will be able to control the process and progress of <br /> the development. Further,we suggest that the agreement have very well defined goals and dates for <br /> • developer performance and that the EDA/City can terminate the agreement and select another developer if <br /> these performance goals are not met. <br /> In general, we think that using a very controlled RFP process will insure that the EDA/City will have the <br /> most successful development and is the best method to achieve their development goals. <br /> I hope this helps the EDA/City with their first steps in the process and look forward to working with you <br /> in the future. Please let me know if you have questions or comments. <br /> • <br /> • <br />