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Recommended Redevelopment Policies <br /> 1. A primary redevelopment objective should be identified by the City Council. This will provide the framework for <br /> evaluating redevelopment proposals. The Council may select several secondary objectives however it is understood • <br /> that these secondary objectives are not required for project approval. <br /> 2. A communications plan should be prepared and approved the City Council for each redevelopment project. The <br /> plan should include a variety of methods used to provide information to the public, target audiences,forecasting key <br /> issues and decision points, methods to receive feedback, key messages and time frames. Because the plan identifies <br /> key concerns/issues for the community and the primary purpose of the redevelopment it is important to develop it <br /> very early in the process. The plan must be implemented to ensure frequent and consistent communications that <br /> inform,forecast, acknowledge controversy, address issues and communicate the vision. <br /> 3. Developer selection should be competitive whenever possible. Competitive selection will increase the available <br /> options and provide greater assurance that the City is providing the right level of assistance. <br /> 4. Developer selection should be based on the following factors: <br /> • Proposal ability to achieve the primary objective identified by the City Council. <br /> • Financial feasibility. <br /> • Demonstrated ability to achieve design guidelines. <br /> • Demonstrated ability of developer to access required project equity and financing. <br /> • Developer experience with similar projects. <br /> • Developer ability to demonstrate design and process flexibility. <br /> • Developer experience with incorporating existing businesses into new project. <br /> • Developer experience with acquiring property without condemnation. <br /> • Developer experience with communicating with public. <br /> 5. The redevelopment process should follow the "Redevelopment Process Framework" as reasonably possible. This <br /> process has been designed to increase the potential for successful redevelopment. . <br /> 6. Eminent domain will not be authorized to assist a developer in property acquisition except where an independent third <br /> party certifies that best faith efforts have been unsuccessful in attempts to acquire property required for development. <br /> Use of alternative dispute resolution helps avoid the perception that the city and/or the developer will take advantage of <br /> existing property owners. <br /> 7. The City/EDA/HRA should consider purchasing property within the redevelopment area when the following conditions <br /> are met: <br /> • Acquisition costs are reasonably close to estimated market value. <br /> • It is possible that the property would be acquired and developed for a use inconsistent with development goals <br /> or design guidelines without the assistance of the City/EDA/HRA. <br /> • A method to finance the acquisition and holding cost can be identified. <br /> • The parcel is key to achieving redevelopment objectives of the City. <br /> 8. Developers entering into preliminary development and fmal development agreements will be required to deposit funds to <br /> defray development review costs. This would include legal,finance,planning and communication costs. <br /> 9. Public assistance in the form of tax increment, grants, reduced fees or other means of assistance will comply with the <br /> City's Business Subsidy Policy. In addition an independent "rate of return" analysis will be prepared prior to granting <br /> any assistance. <br /> N:\General\Project Management\dev.process.policies.2.doc <br /> • <br />