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- JAN. 21. 2003 4: 10PM ELK_RIVER_CITY_HALL NO. 947 P. 2 <br /> GUIDELINES <br /> FOR <br /> ELK RIVER GOVERNMEN ACCESS CABLE TV CHANNEL <br /> Any program produced by the city of Elk River's governmental <br /> organizations may be cablecast o the government access channel. <br /> Programs produced by others ab• t the City of Elk River's governmental <br /> organizations and/or its supporte• activities may be cablecast on this <br /> channel, subject to the approval o the Elk River City Council. Programs <br /> produced by other governmental -gencies or other community <br /> organizations may be cable cast o this channel, provided they have <br /> interest and value for the citizens ., Elk River. Such programs shall also <br /> be subject to the approval of the E k River City Council. <br /> Programs that contain, in wh le or in part, any of the following <br /> subject matter will not be ca•lecast on the government access <br /> channel. <br /> A. Commercial Messa•e o Material <br /> Anything promoting a product or a service, with the primary objective of <br /> producing a monetary profit for a -pecific commercial organization or <br /> individual, may not air on the gove ment access channel. This is not to <br /> preclude the incidental mention of . business or product, as part of a <br /> program where the primary purpo.e is to disseminate information of <br /> public benefit. Businesses, indivi• als and organizations may be <br /> acknowledged for assistance in th- production of a program or the <br /> provision of other means of suppo . <br />