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JAN, 21. 2003 4: 10PM ELK RIVER CITY HALL NO. 94/ F. 5 <br /> Elk River <br /> Government Access <br /> ERtV "`"' Cable Television <br /> Your Local Cable Channel Channel <br /> Missio Statement <br /> The mission of the Elk River Govetnmen Access Cable Television Channel is to provide a <br /> communications link for Elk Rivet citize s that will enable them to better understand the <br /> operation and function of government an to become more actively involved in community <br /> life. <br /> P •ose <br /> The Elk River Cable Channel is dedicated o developing an awareness and understanding of <br /> the operations of municipal government, ommunity issues and events, and governmental <br /> programs. <br /> 0•jectives <br /> 1. To promote the education of River citizens concerning local government by <br /> cablecasting meetings consisting •f the City Council, Planning Commission, Park <br /> and Recreation Commission, Ho sing and Redevelopment Authority, Economic <br /> Development Authority and other •.oaxds as the City Council deems appropriate and <br /> beneficial to the citizens. <br /> 2. To provide live coverage of city eetings and replay of those meetings to allow <br /> citizens opportunities to familiariz• themselves with issues presented to the council, <br /> boards, commissions,and authoriti s. <br /> 3. To inform the citizens at large abo t programs and public services provided by City <br /> departments and City-sponsored a.encies and explain the opportunities for citizen <br /> participation in these programs and services. <br /> 4. To promote the education of the citizens by presenting educational and cultural. <br /> programs along with information o public health,safety,and welfare issues. <br /> 5. To continue developing awarene:s of the government channel through public <br /> relation efforts using local press,ci newsletter,city website,and cable television and <br /> to continue to grow and create ne programming and new styles of programming to <br /> increase viewership of the channel <br />