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• 2. Overall, the HRA,EDA, and City Council are going from three Monday evening <br /> meetings (second, third,and fourth) to four Monday meetings (City Council on the <br /> first,third, and fourth, and HRA/EDA on the second). This "extended" meeting <br /> schedule creates more pressure on the city clerical staff, as they are doing packets <br /> almost every week of the year, and more pressure on the general administrative staff. <br /> Forty-eight meetings a year will not give the staff any breaks like it currently has on <br /> the first Monday of each month. This current break in the packet and meeting <br /> schedule is very much appreciated and needed as a recovery time and a time to get <br /> non-agenda packet work completed. The change a few years ago to three Mondays a <br /> month versus almost every Monday was much needed for conducting normal city <br /> business and it now appears that we are going backwards. <br /> One approach not discussed in detail on September 9 was to move the City Council meeting <br /> timeframe on the second and fourth Monday to 7:00 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. This would give the <br /> EDA and HRA adequate time to complete their business. Consistency in the City Council <br /> meeting timeframe is important in order to not confuse the public. If the City Council met <br /> on the second and fourth Mondays at 7:00 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. when they follow the HRA and <br /> EDA, and at 6:00 on their public hearing night, then there would be at least some <br /> assemblage of consistency; although it may still be somewhat confusing. <br /> The HRA is requested to discuss this issue on Monday, September 23, 2002, and <br /> • HRA/Councilmember Motin can provide an update to the City Council later in the evening. <br /> • <br />