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StFikethFeugghs to be removed <br />Underlines to be added <br />Sec. 30 -880. - XCR extreme commercial recreation district. <br />(a) Temporary siggs as permitted in section 30 -851 et seg._ <br />(b) Permanent signs. <br />11) Wall signs. Total wall sign area not to exceed 15 percent of facade area Wall signs <br />are permitted on any facade that is not directs adjacent to a residential zone <br />Businesses in multi- tenant facilities shall be allowed their proportionate share of <br />permitted wall sign area. For the purposes of this section a road shall constitute a <br />separation of zones. <br />(2) One freestanding sign, not to exceed 150 square feet with a maximum height of 30 <br />feet. One freestanding sign may be permitted for every 1,000 feet of street frontage <br />measured along a single street. The frontage shall only include the nroperry in <br />which the principal use is located on, which the sign is advertising The additional <br />sign(s) shall be subject to the size and height limitations of the first allowed <br />freestanding or monument sign and may be placed no closer than 500 feet to aW <br />other freestanding or monument sign <br />(3) The sign area of freestanding signs may be increased 25 percent if the sign is <br />constructed as a monument sign <br />(4) Area identification signs as permitted in section 30 -865 <br />(5) One on- premises menu-board per drive -up or walk- uptlane of a drive -in restaurant <br />or carwash up to a maximum of 32 square feet each Menu boards are allowed to <br />have a message on one side only and may not contain an advertising message <br />(c) Changeable copy signs as permitted in section 30 -864 <br />