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Work Program (2/21/02) <br /> 11111 and to look for factors to consider in planning for the future. HKGi will prepare a PowerPoint <br /> presentation illustrating the results of this analysis. <br /> 2.3 Prepare population and employment projections <br /> HKGi will prepare 20 year projections of City population and employment. The projections will <br /> illustrate the implications of alternative development scenarios. <br /> 2.4 Calculate land demand <br /> HKGi will use the population projections to calculate the land demand based on varying density <br /> assumptions and land use policy options. <br /> 2.5 Conduct interviews <br /> HKGi will conduct interviews of key"community leaders" in Elk River(up to 12 contacts). <br /> Community leaders may include either public or private sector individuals who reside in or do <br /> business in Elk River. These interviews offer an opportunity for the early involvement of boards <br /> and commissions not otherwise represented on the Task Force. Other potential parties for <br /> involvement include Elk River school officials,county commissioner, major employers, <br /> residential neighborhood association leaders, business owners and civic leaders. The purpose of <br /> the meetings is to allow these individuals the opportunity to discuss the community outside of the <br /> normal public meeting forum. In past comprehensive plans,HKGi has found that information <br /> provided during these discussions is more candid and objective because we are looked at as a <br /> third party rather than being a"representative"of the City of Elk River. <br /> • 2.6 Meet with Task Force <br /> HKGi will meet with the Task Force to review the results the community leader interviews, <br /> demographic analysis and population projections. <br /> 2.7 Deliverables— Task 2 <br /> • PowerPoint presentation on demographic and economic trends <br /> • Technical memorandum on population projections and land demand analysis <br /> • Summary of community leader interviews <br /> • Monthly communications update sheet <br /> 3 Establish a Community Vision <br /> The purpose of this task will be to define the elements of a vision for the City of Elk River. The <br /> vision will address community's aspirations for what Elk River should be in the future and what <br /> actions will be important in realizing the community's shared vision. <br /> 3.1 Conduct Public Meeting#2 <br /> HKGi will design and conduct a public meeting to help frame the elements of the vision. The <br /> format for this session will be interactive small and large group discussions with a specific focus <br /> on defining"What do residents want Elk River to be in 2012 and 2022?" This meeting also <br /> provides the opportunity to follow-up and clarify issues raised at Public Meeting#1. A written <br /> summary of meeting results will be prepared. HKGi will assemble written materials for the <br /> • session and will prepare general analysis graphics for reference by attendees. <br /> ©Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Page 5 <br />