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Work Program (2/21/02) <br /> 6.4 Obtain public input <br /> HKGi will use two forums to seek public input on the draft Plan. An open house provides a less <br /> formal and less threatening means of presenting the Plan for public comment. HKGI will also <br /> facilitate the required public hearing on the Plan. <br /> 6.5 Review public input <br /> HKGi will summarize the input received at the open house and public hearing. <br /> Recommendations on Plan modifications(if needed)will be made. <br /> 6.6 Reach consensus on final Plan <br /> HKGi will conduct one workshop to review public input and proposed Plan modifications. This <br /> workshop will be used to finalize the Plan. <br /> Deliverables— Task 6 <br /> • Text and graphics assembled in draft plan document <br /> • Written, graphic and PowerPoint(if any)materials used to present the Plan. <br /> 7 Document the Results <br /> The purpose of this task will be to document the final Comprehensive Plan update after it has <br /> been adopted by the City Council. Subtasks will include: <br /> 7.1 Prepare final text and graphics. <br /> • 7.2 Prepare camera-ready original copy for subsequent printing by the City. <br /> 7.3 Prepare summary with text and graphics for website <br /> 7.4 Provide computer disk including Plan in Microsoft Word and all AutoCAD and <br /> Arc View graphics information. <br /> Deliverables— Task 7 <br /> • Final work products as described above <br /> Budget <br /> The preparation of the budget for a planning process is a balancing act. The budget seeks to <br /> provide the services required of this undertaking while bearing in mind the cost of the services. <br /> Three basic factors influence the Work Program and Budget. <br /> Nature of Elk River—Elk River presents a wide range of planning issues. Key issues include the <br /> pace, location,form and management of growth,maintaining the vitality of existing <br /> neighborhoods, preserving the natural environment,managing investments in public services and <br /> improvements. The size of the City increases the complexity of planning from data collection to <br /> the creation of development scenarios. The planning process is designed to allow sufficient time <br /> to consider all of the factors that shape your future. <br /> • Interactive Process—The planning process is not one where HKGi gathers the data, goes to the <br /> office and returns with"the Plan". A successful process is interactive,where the ideas of the <br /> ©Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Page 10 <br />