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(*) <br /> ci-) <br /> . _ Grants <br /> Single family and multifamily fin ancing and housing ng tax credits <br /> Ann Higgins <br /> The Minnesota Housing Finance • HousingTax Credits:Tamara Wilson, • Metro Area: <br /> Agency (MHFA) has announced the or (651) Susan Ude,Minnesota Housing <br /> availability of state housing funds, 296-4451. Finance Agency,(651) 297-3656 <br /> tenant-based rent assistance,and federal Housing proposals must meet MHFA also offers training on <br /> housing tax credits.The deadline for regional guidelines for affordable new programs and technical assistance. <br /> applications for multifamily and housing housing investment in order to be Sessions are being planned for early to <br /> tax credit applications is Feb. 7.The considered for funding.The following mid January.The information sessions <br /> deadline for single-family housing people can be contacted regarding the for potential applicants will focus on <br /> development funding applications is guidelines: changes to the 2002 application <br /> Feb. 14. • Northwest: materials;revised selection standards <br /> Funds are available for develop- Tim Flathers,Headwaters Regional and funding priorities;and revised <br /> ment,construction,acquisition,demoli- Development Corporation,(218) Housing Trust Fund and Challenge <br /> tion or rehabilitation of affordable 751-3108 Programs.MHFA staff will also be <br /> housing,as well as for home improve- • Northeast: available for one-on-one technical <br /> ments or development of low and Steve Nelson,St.Louis County assistance following each of the sessions. <br /> moderate-income rental housing. Community Development,(218) <br /> Limited funds are also available for 742-9561,Ext.7561 or(800)450- Upcoming training sessions <br /> support of operating costs for propos- 9777 • Jan.9,9 a.m.-Noon,St.Cloud <br /> als for new supportive housing and for • West Central: Civic Center(Wilson Suite),10 <br /> • low-income rental assistance. Lynn Stadum,West Central Minne- Fourth Avenue South,St.Cloud; <br /> Application materials for single- sota Housing Partnership,(320) • Jan.15,9 a.m.-Noon,Kelly Inn, <br /> family and multifamily housing 998-6322 St.Paul (located at the Marion <br /> development are also available on the • Central: Street exit off 1-94,between Rice <br /> MHFA web site.Contact the follow- Pauline Carlson and Cheryl Street and Marion,just north of the <br /> ing MHFA staff for RFP information Sieverding,Central Minnesota freeway. <br /> and materials: Housing Partnership (320) 259-0393 To register,download a registra- <br /> • Single-family housing RFP applica- • Southwest: tion form from the MHFA web site <br /> tions: Fran Gustafson,fran.gustafson Liz McLoone,Southwest Minnesota (www or call <br /> or(651) 297-3118; Housing Partnership,(507) 836-8673 Fran Gustafson (for single-family <br /> • Multifamily housing RFP applica- • Southeast: housing RFP applicants) at(651) <br /> tions:Patty Kroona,patricia.kroona April Sutor,Southeast Minnesota 297-3118;or Cassie Gordon (for <br /> or(651) 215-6238; Initiative Fund,(507) 455-3215 multifamily housing RFP applicants) <br /> at (651) 296-9546 or cassie.gordon@ . <br /> <br /> Receiving duplicates? Let us know. Please contact <br /> : Incorrect addresses? Jeanine Hopp at the League <br /> of Minnesota Cities at <br /> New person in jhopp, or <br /> 0 position? call (651) 215-4030. <br /> January 9, 2002 Page 13 <br />