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• <br /> Court of Appeals overturns Walser <br /> district court decision <br /> Andrea Hedtke <br /> On Tuesday,November 13,the Min- Appeals disagreed and stated that • Methods for determining <br /> nesota Court of Appeals overturned a "...several aspects of the TIF-district conditions of buildings <br /> district court decision involving the creation were fundamentally flawed." Finally,the laws governing redevel- <br /> city of Richfield and the Walser In its rationale, the Court of opment TIF districts require that <br /> family.The district court had dis- Appeals highlighted three primary more than 50 percent of the <br /> missed a lawsuit filed by the Walser issues: best efforts,distribution of buildings be"structurally substan- <br /> family alleging the city acted improp- buildings,and methods for determin- dard."The statutes provide a fairly <br /> erly when it established a redevelop- ing conditions of buildings: lengthy definition of structurally <br /> ment tax increment financing(TIF) • Best efforts substandard.The Court of Appeals <br /> district that included property on In establishing a redevelopment TIF found that the methodology used by <br /> which Walser's automobile dealership district and making structurally the city's architectural firm in <br /> operations stood. substandard findings, a city must use determining the buildings at issue <br /> In the underlying decision,the its best efforts to obtain permission to be structurally substandard was <br /> district court found that the TIF from the property owner to gain "rife with inaccuracies."Of the five <br /> district created by the city met the access for an interior inspection. points discussed by the Court, it <br /> statutory public purpose requirement The Court of Appeals determined appeared particularly concerned <br /> since expenditures would be used for that the two letters,sent to property with the fact that the basis for the <br /> land acquisition and public improve- owners by the architectural firm structurally substandard determina- <br /> ments. In its decision, the Court of hired by the city,requesting access Lion often related to whether the <br /> Appeals stated that the key question is for the purpose of an interior building was in compliance with <br /> whether the public purpose served by inspection,without subsequent the state energy code.The Court <br /> a TIF district is primary as compared phone calls and door knocking, did stated that the city was in error in <br /> with any private interest served.The not constitute best efforts. considering energy code compli- <br /> . Court of Appeals directed the district • Distribution of buildings ante in the structurally substandard <br /> court to revisit the issue of whether The TIF laws also require that determination. <br /> the TIF expenditure was primarily for structurally substandard buildings be It is likely the city of Richfield <br /> a public purpose and to conduct a "reasonably distributed throughout will appeal the Court of Appeals' <br /> comparative analysis. the district."The Court of Appeals decision to the Minnesota Supreme <br /> The district court also found that found that the buildings the city Court. In the meantime,in light of <br /> the redevelopment TIF district was determined to be structurally this important decision, cities may be <br /> lawful in all respects, including the substandard were not reasonably well advised to evaluate how their <br /> "structurally substandard" findings distributed because they were all procedures in establishing redevelop- <br /> required by statute.The Court of located in the north 60 percent of ment TIF districts compare with those <br /> the TIF district. followed by the city in this case.Y <br /> Visit the League <br /> on the Web: <br /> <br /> 0 for all the latest information about how your city <br /> can participate and benefit from LMC and LMCIT <br /> services, resources, and training opportunities. <br /> November 21, 2001 Lei y we o m N CG,f es ��..el C) Page 7 <br /> .. L,if-i es 13 4 1'e-h rl — <br />