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`•Page 8 Minnesota Reo. ._s Journal <br /> December T7t, 2001 <br /> REPORTS <br /> TIF still viable tool, but court decision is warning to crties <br /> A CASE STUDY ON that Walser could not challenge the inclu- <br /> WALSER, BEST BUY f , lion of its property in the district. Never <br /> t, �r nd theless, the Court found that a May 15, <br /> �� 2000, amendment to the statute created a <br /> by Eric Galatz and Kathryn Hahne f t£ right to sue a municipality for wrongly <br /> F r" d t "j '_' t� - Including or retaining a property 111 a TIF <br /> district. Because the Walser property con- <br /> w" ,1ti <br /> L ast mouth, the Minnesota Court of , „f tinned to be retained in the Interchange <br /> Appeals issued a decision that je.opar �� West TIF district after May 15, 2000, the• <br /> dines the availability of public assistance * Court held that Walser could challenge the <br /> for the Best Buy Corp. headquarters now ; 4 • retention of its property in the district. <br /> Guest under con This decision puts municipalities on <br /> con- <br /> struction in the a <br /> ; . notice that for districts created before or <br /> ur HVu Sts city of Rich ,,` after M.ay 15, 2000, they are at risk of a <br /> field. In very AEARgo F V lawsuit for retaining in a district any prop- <br /> strong language, the Court of Appeals erty that should not have been included in <br /> found that Richfield violated the statute � � 1 the first place. <br /> that gives municipalities authority to use , , =•,t , . ,`t ".._ 'r_ .� ,_, - Public purpose. The 1 t1 act requires a• <br /> tax increment financing (TIF) to enconr- PHOTOS COURTESY Or LEONARD,STREET AND DDNARD illunicipality to find the TIF assistance prl- <br /> age development: • manly serves a public purpose. In the <br /> Kathryn Hahne <br /> Eric Galatz <br /> Exhibiting a particular municipal mean- Walser case, the Court of Appeals found <br /> tress, [Richfield) completely ignored the that the district court had only considered <br /> statutory prerequisites for exercise of this has specific requirements for creating the The Court found that,even if Richfield's whether the TIF assistance served some <br /> financing tool. The provisions of Minn. district and restrictions on the use of TIF reasoning was correct, Richfield was public purpose, without determining <br /> Stat. § 469.1771 (2000) are intended to funds. wrong to use nonstructural defects, inflat- whether the primary purpose was public. <br /> provide a means to ensure that such a bla- ed cost factors and unsupported assump- The Court of Appeals remanded the ques- <br /> taut disregard for limits on municipal How not to create a tions about the condition of the buildings Lion to the district court for further consid- <br /> authority will be answerable. TIF redevelopment district to reach its conclusion that 91 percent of eration. <br /> It may be some time before the case is The Court of Appeals found that several the buildings that could not"by any means Caritics of TIF often complain that TIF <br /> finally resolved. Whatever the final out- aspects of Richfield's TIF district creation be regarded as 'rundown"' were neverthe- provides more of a direct benefit to a spe- <br /> come, the case will affect the way munici- were"fundamentally flawed." less structurally substandard. cific developer than to the taxpayers. <br /> palities provide public assistance to private To qualify as a redevelopment district, The Court found that Richfield failed to Future municipal findings about TIP dis- <br /> development throughout the state. more than 50 percent of the existing build- follow the statutory requirement to use tricts will almost certainly contain very <br /> ings in Best Buy's path had to be "struc- "best efforts to obtain permission" from specific findings about the relative weight <br /> Walser and the Best Buy project turally substandard. Richfield retained property owners to do interior inspections of public and private purposes. <br /> Richfield's Housing and Redevelopment consultants to evaluate the 74 residential to determine whether the buildings were <br /> Authority contracted to provide $48 mil- and 16 commercial properties in the dis- structurally substandard. Richfield sent TIF will go on <br /> lion in direct subsidy and another$7 aril- trict.In their proposal to Richfield,the con- property owners two letters requesting a Tax increment has become a significant- <br /> lion for construction of a new bridge at sultants noted that the residential proper- "voluntary inspection," allowing one week ly less valuable development tool in recent <br /> Penn Avenue and Interstate 494 to assist ties in the proposed district were generally to respond to each letter.There were no tot- years for reasons unrelated to the Walser <br /> development of a$160 million corporate in good condition and could not "by any low-up telephone calls.No door knocking. litigation.The Minnesota Legislature has <br /> headquarters for Best Buy. The project is means be regarded as 'rundown."' The The Court found that failure to use other placed substantial restrictions on TIF <br /> in the northeast quadrant of 1-494 and Penn consultants recommended using an "alter- methods that were readily available and throughout the last decade to address real <br /> Avenue, in the Interchange West redevel- dative approach" to reach the "desired often used in other TIF districts,along with and perceived abuses of the financing tool. <br /> opulent area in Richfield. result." the fact that the city obtained access to only The 2002 property tax reform significantly <br /> Interchange West is an approximately 20 percent of the buildings,was"powerful reduces the source of revenues for T!F by <br /> 40-acre parcel that included 7 acres owned s On The Court's holden evidence that 'hest' efforts were not uti- reducing everyone's property taxes. in <br /> by members of the Walser family. The g lined:' most districts, the reform will result in <br /> Walsers leased their property to two auto- The TIF statute requires that the surc- approximately 40 percent less in Tit rev- <br /> ' p turally substandard buildings be"reason- enues. t <br /> mobile dealerships, which are also owned Richfield s use of TIF for Best <br /> by members of the family. Richfield took ably distributed" throughout the district. The Court's holdings on Richfield's use <br /> the Walser property by condemnation,dis- The Court found Richfield failed this test of TIF for Best Buy are instructive for <br /> placing both Walser dealerships for the Buy are instructive for cities because all of the allegedly substandard cities undertaking similar projects and a <br /> Best Buy project. buildings were in the northern 60 percent warning to those who would by-pass statu- <br /> The Walsers challenged the condemna- undertaking similar pro ects of the proposed district, almost all were tory requirements to achieve a "desired <br /> lion,TiF subsidy, adequacy of the environ- residential properties and"the city conve- result." <br /> mental review, municipal zoning and land niently drew the TIF district lines to But the decision should not alarm. <br /> use approvals. Minnesota Pollution Con- and a Warning for those include the valuable property with 1-494 municipalities that have diligently followed <br /> trot Agency (MPCA) indirect source per- frontage,even though none of the alleged- the statute.The decision does not place any <br /> nuts and the failure of the Metropolitan who Would by-pass ly substandard buildings were found with- new restrictions on a city's use of TIF. <br /> Council to conduct a Metropolitan Signifi- in this region" Indeed, TIF is alive and well, and remains <br /> cance Review.This article addresses only The Court found that "even a cursory a viable tool for development. However; <br /> the TIF lawsuit. statutory requirements to review of the exhibits submitted reveals the Walser decision should make everyone <br /> that the allegedly substandard properties involved in publicly assisted real estate <br /> TiF in a nutshell .a " esired result." were not 'reasonably distributed' through- projects more aware and respectful of the <br /> TiF is one of the few tools a municipal- out the district at all." rules that govern this valuable development <br /> ity can use to provide Financial assistance tool. <br /> to a private development. TIF allows a Standing and public purpose <br /> municipality to divert the increase in prop- The consultants determined that almost The Court's holdings with respect to Eric Galatz is an attorney in the real <br /> erty tax revenues generated by a project all of the residential structures were"struc- standing and public purpose may have a estate, construction and public law groups <br /> from the general fund to pay for specified turally substandard,"almost entirely on the broader effect on existing and future TIF of Leonard.Street and Deinard PA.He rep- <br /> project costs. assumption that the buildings built in the projects than its holdings on creation of this resents developers of publicly assisted pin-' <br /> The TIF statute imposes strict limits on 1960s and 1970s were not insulated up to particular TIF district. jects and has lectured on TIF,smart growth <br /> how a municipality can use TIF.A munici- the standards for new construction in the Standing. Standing is the right to sue. and new urbanism. <br /> parity must find the subsidy primarily cutrent energy code.The Court of Appeals The TIF act specifically grants "owners of <br /> serves a public purpose and that, but for" rejected the alternative approach, in part, taxable property located in the city" the Kathy'ii Hahne, also an attorney at the <br /> the subsidy, the develop er would not pro- because substandard insulation is not a right to bring suit against a municipality for firm,practices in the areas of,government <br /> teed with the project. The municipality structural defect. failure to comply with the TIF act, with relations, real estate and public lane. She <br /> must also establish a TIF district, defining The Court criticized Richfield for"flip- bouts on what the property owner can represents developers and public agencies <br /> the geographic area in which the project Ping" a statutory guideline. The statute recover from the municipality. In the on tax inc ernent and other times of level- <br /> will be located and from which the munic- says that a building that can be brought into Walser case, the Court found that before opnrent projects. <br /> ipality will take the TIF funds for the pro- compliance with the building code for 15 May 15, 2000, a property owner could sue <br /> ject. percent of its replacement cost is not stoic- a municipality for wrongly including or Leonard, Street and Deinard and Aialk- <br /> The TIF statute creates different types of turally substandard. Richfield took the retaining a property in a TIF district. ersorr Gilliland &Martin LLP represent <br /> TIF districts for different purposes,includ- view that a building that cannot be brought Because Richfield included the Walser Walser in its several actions against the <br /> ing housing,redevelopment and hazardous in compliance for that cost is then struc- property in the Interchange West TIF dis- city of Richfield. <br /> waste cleanup. Each type of TIF district turally substandard. trict before May 15, 2000, the Court held <br /> III <br /> • _ „ <br /> • <br />