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Ms. Amanda Othoudt May 26, 2015 <br />City of Elk RiverPage 8 <br />D.Employment Trends (Data will also be provided for comparison purposes to other <br />Minnesota communities.) <br />1.Examine local data on resident employment (based on place of residence). <br />2.Examine local data on covered employment (based on location of jobs). <br />3.Provide data on jobs by NAICS industry sector. <br />4.Identify major employers. <br />5.Identify commuting patterns of area workers. <br />a)Place of residence vs. place of employment <br />b)Wages <br />c)Demographic characteristics. <br />6.Project job growth to 2025. Analyze any business expansions/contractions and their <br />effect on the local housing market. <br />7.Interview economic development specialists, major employers, and local officials re- <br />garding major employment changes and other issues that may impact long-term <br />employment projections. <br />8.Discuss the implications of the findings on housing demand in Elk River. <br /> <br />E. Housing Characteristics & Condition <br />1.Compile statistics on the age of the housing stock in Elk River and the draw area. <br />2.Compile residential building permit data by type of housingto the most current <br />available figures for Elk River and the draw area. <br />3.Analyze U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS) findings collected be- <br />tween 2009 and 2013 (the most recent available). Compile the following: <br />a)Renter-occupied units by contract rent <br />b)Owner-occupied housing units by value <br />c)Owner-occupied housing units by mortgage status <br />d)Housing units by structure and occupancy <br />e)Housing units by occupancy status and tenure <br />4.Review housing market value data from City/County tax records (if available) or ACS. <br />MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. <br />